Getting Juiced at Zoe Juice Bar

zoe juice bar


By Mary Ellen Psaltis

zoe juice barPure Natural Goodness – this is the cornerstone of the newly opened Zoe Juice Bar, where delicious drinks are created to into optimize your overall nutrition. I am constantly on the search for manageable ways to be healthier in all aspects of my life. It’s a pleasant surprise to find and support businesses that promote true well-being.

Entrepreneurs and life-long Thurston County residents Jason and Briana Phillips have filled their ‘spare’ time coordinating the opening of the juice bar. Both have been working full time at other jobs through the process until the opening was at hand. The result is a welcoming, peaceful and healthy environment with a menu of unfolding possibilities.

Zoe Juice Bar is a very clean, fresh, warm and friendly juice bar. With names such as Replenish, Pure Joy, Vitality and Oly Farmacy, you can be sure you will get a dose or more of desired fruits and/or vegetables. Most people eat far fewer than the recommended amounts. A juice drink is one way to get intense nutrition.

zoe juice barZoe Juice Bar uses fresh fruits and vegetables with most sourced from local, Pacific Northwest farmers.

You can try a shot of something green. Additions to your drink might be maca, coconut oil, goji berries, chia seeds or raw, vegan sprouted protein. You may be wrinkling your nose at the thought of leafy greens whirled into your berry smoothie, but you best taste it before you make your judgment. It might be another pleasant surprise.

The Zoe Juice Bar story began in 2009, when Jason Phillips received a confirmed diagnosis of celiac disease. He certainly knew he was having body distress, but this was at a time when the words gluten-free were not as common. Now what? His journey to regain his health began. As he worked with various health professionals and learned more about nutrition, Phillips started to juice his fruits and vegetables, as this seemed to be the easiest on his digestion. As his stomach began repairing itself, he added in smoothies, which is like juicing without removing any of the pulp. His overall well-being got better and better.

zoe juice barThe food industry keeps developing non-gluten containing products, which initially were nonexistent. Foods many of us take for granted – bread, pasta, mixes, and spice packages – usually contain gluten, even when they are high quality organic. Some people are gluten-intolerant and prefer to eat foods without gluten. It’s risky business when eating out. All of the drinks at Zoe Juice Bar are gluten-free, and they also carry snacks that are ‘safe.’ You will find pastries and other goodies from local favorites such as 8 Arms Bakery and Smiling Mo’s Bakery. Their grab-and-go counter is stocked and they plan to vary and increase their offerings as the business grows.

You can find Zoe Juice Bar in East Olympia, having done a total makeover inside their part of the building that faces Ralph’s Thriftway across the parking lot. Driving by, you’ve probably noticed the exterior face-lift that includes a new roof. Zoe Juice Bar occupies the end closer to 4th street. The State Street side houses Randy’s Compounding Pharmacy. There’s plenty of off-street parking, and you can do a number of your errands right there. Inside Ralph’s, you will find a post office, flowers, licensing department and of course groceries.

Zoe Juice Bar wants you to have your fruits and vegetables, but more than that, they are there to uplift and educate. The Phillips’ desire for exceptional customer service drives their passion. Additionally, their personal concerns for behaving responsibly around global issues of food and hunger and to be supportive of their local community are evident. As Phillips told me – a world feeding program and other social concerns are ‘on my heart.’ Zoe will be active with Two Degrees Food, donating funds to feed the world’s children.  For example, for each juice purchased, Phillips will donate a meal to a hungry child.

zoe juice barLook for nutrition classes, engaging health programs and other creative events. Check out their Facebook page for updates.

Drinking juices and smoothies is an easy way to up your fruit and vegetable intake, sorely lacking in people’s standard American diet. The vitamins and minerals support your immune system and overall health, and best of all – they can taste great! Zoe Juice Bar is gluten-free. That means you won’t have to worry about it. The Phillips want you to de-stress your life and enjoy better foods.

Stop by Zoe Juice Bar and get a taste of pure natural goodness.

Zoe Juice Bar

1851 State Ave NE, Suite 101

Olympia, WA 98506

Open Tuesday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Saturday – 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Sunday – 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.