Thurston Economic Development Council (EDC) is pleased to introduce Mike Kennedy as the Workforce Development Director. Mr. Kennedy will be responsible for directing and supporting the EDC’s efforts to promote and implement a world-class workforce system throughout Thurston County. Kennedy recently retired as the Chief Executive Officer of the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council.
“The EDC is excited about the opportunities that this new position will generate for our community. Workforce development is integral to any successful economic development strategy,” says Michael Cade, Executive Director. “The addition of Mike’s subject matter expertise enhances this organization’s ability to be a focused partner in finding workforce solutions for our new and/or expanding businesses.”
Kennedy is a seasoned workforce development professional, having spent 26 years with the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council. He came out of retirement to explore the opportunity to bring his cache of workforce development expertise into the Thurston County economic development arena. A Vietnam veteran, Mr. Kennedy lives in Thurston County with his wife, Libby.
We welcome Mr. Kennedy, and look forward to finding community-oriented solutions to our region’s workforce issues with him.