According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, a podiatrist is a physician or surgeon who treats the foot, ankle and related structures of the leg. A Podiatrist has completed years of complex training, making them uniquely qualified to treat this part of the body. Dr. Terry Hess chose podiatry as a specialty because it is not just about foot problems. Podiatry addresses global health issues that may manifest first in the foot. “I started out my career as a pharmacist and I didn’t feel like I was helping anyone,” explains Hess. “I was treating the symptoms with pharmaceuticals and masking pain, but not really solving the real problems.”

Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates auction
The Foot & Ankle team enjoys supporting local non-profits pictured here at the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Big Auction
Photo courtesy: Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates

When Hess discovered podiatry, he knew that he had found the place where he could truly make a difference in his patients’ overall health and well-being.” People often talk about their feet hurting at the end of a long day,” says Hess. “It is not normal for your feet to hurt from a day of normal activity.” In fact, sore feet are a sign of a problem that once properly diagnosed can be corrected. Sadly, Hess has even had patients that went so long with chronic foot pain that they ultimately had to have toes surgically removed. “I wish that those patients had come to see me a year earlier,” he adds.

A visit to Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates is not unlike a routine dental appointment. A good dentist can diagnose issues in the mouth and help patients to get on track to better oral health, which prevents pain and the potential for tooth extraction. “We want to make podiatry a part of general wellness,” shares Hess. When a parent has issues with their feet, the experts at Foot & Ankle encourage them to bring in their children for an examination. “Many foot and ankle problems are hereditary and if we can diagnose them ahead of time, we can make the proper adjustments.”

Foot and ankle pain is not always as simple as the sprain or fracture you see on the soccer field or from a misstep on a ladder. Foot problems include everything from simple toenail issues like ingrown toenails to bunions and even more serious conditions such as peripheral neuropathy and diabetes. A visit to the podiatrist is part of a holistic approach to health care that may bring other issues to light. People may not even realize that they have high blood pressure or peripheral arterial disease until they have had a thorough examination of their feet by a professional.

People talk a great deal in the age of fit trackers about monitoring their steps. Many people are aware of how many miles they are walking each day, but did you know that the average American logs 75,000 miles on their feet by the time they reach age 50? Seems ironic that we put the weight of our entire body on those two feet, and then don’t exam them to make sure they are doing the job properly.

One-Stop Help to Get You Back on Your Feet

Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates Cap city Marathon
The team at Foot & Ankle providing educational materials at the Capital City Marathon. Photo courtesy: Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates

The physicians at Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates have not only been trained to understand the complex mechanical structure of the human foot, they have many diagnostic tools at their disposal. The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles. The advantage of going to see a specialist is that it is not going to take 3-4 visits to come to a treatment plan. Hess has created a one-stop surgery center that won’t require multiple visits to different locations. Having a CT scanner, ultrasound and X-ray at the clinic saves money and time for patients who are ready to get back on their literal feet again!

Some foot issues may require surgery. “We can mechanically control the mechanical structure that moves us through space,” explains Hess. “Like an orthodontist straightening teeth, we can bring your feet to neutral.” Patients are given all the tools they need to get back to their normal activities and in many cases are able to do even more than they could prior to surgery.

In-house physical therapy teaches patients the exercises they need to strengthen their foot and ankle, along with their knees or hips that may have been compromised due to bad mechanics. Hess enjoys helping his patients enjoy a better quality of life and get healthier once they have addressed the foot and ankle problems that have slowed them down. “Proper care of our feet is so important to our well-being,” explains Hess. “they give us the ability to be active, which in turn improves the cardiovascular system and quality of life.”

Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates Softball game
Dr. Hess enjoys creating bonding opportunities with his team like this fun softball game with the staff. Photo courtesy: Foot & Ankle Associates

Hess enjoys creating a better life for both his patients and his staff by providing a positive environment at all five clinics he has opened in Washington. “We do a lot of staff enrichment and enjoy many company-wide events,” says Hess. This fall. Hess will share his commitment to the health of those in need by taking some staff members on a mission to Puerto Rico. “I have been on many medical missions over the years,” he adds. “This one is a non-medical mission so the staff can participate in whatever the people of Puerto Rico need as they recover from the devastation of a hurricane.”

Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates now has five clinics that are staffed with nine providers and over 70 employees. Hess is committed to serving the community in providing the best in podiatric care. For more information on how to treat your foot problems or to prevent them, visit their website at www.anklefoot.net

Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates
1610 Bishop Rd SW #7 Tumwater


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