Kate Benak Leads Free Laughter Yoga Session At Olympia Timberland Library On December 28



Submitted by Timberland Regional Library

Kate Benak has many good reasons to laugh for no reason. Start with laughter’s ability to lower stress, alleviate depression, strengthen the immune system and bring delight and joy. Benak is a certified Laughter Yoga teacher and licensed healthcare worker. To demonstrate the power of laughter, she will lead a session of Laughter Yoga at the Olympia Timberland Library on Friday, December 28 at 3 p.m.

The class is free of charge and is recommended for school-aged children and older and their parents. Register by calling the library at 352-0595. Ask for the youth services desk.

Laughter Yoga is a technique of simple, structured laughter and breathing exercises. It is a physical activity that does not require a sense of humor or jokes to be successful. You don’t even need to be happy or have a reason to laugh. According to Ms. Benak, laughter is a tremendously efficient way to express and release tension in a positive manner, and is proven to relieve stress and have physiological as well as emotional benefits, whether or not it is real or simulated.

Benak, who calls herself Miss Kate in her Laughter Yoga practice, studied with Dr. Madan Kataria, a family physician from India who set out in 1995 to develop a way for everyone to benefit from the scientific evidence regarding the health benefits of laughter. There are now more than 6,000 Laughter Clubs around the world. Benak is the co-founder of the Olympia Laugher Yoga club. Benak also studied with Dr. Hunter Doherty “Patch” Adams who founded the Gesundheit! Institute to spread the healing effects of humor around the world.

The Olympia Timberland Library is located at 313 8th Avenue SE, Olympia. For more information, contact the library at (360) 352-0595 or visit www.TRL.org.