Workshop: Getting Super Lit! With Grace Campbell

June 10, 2018 @ 2:00 pm
Browsers Bookshop
107 Capitol Way N
Olympia, WA 98501
Andrea Griffith

So you want to submit your work to literary journals! How do you figure out where to send your stuff? What do you write in a cover letter? How do you format your work? How much freaking out should you do while you wait for a response?

In this hour-long workshop, we’ll break down the process of submitting your writing to literary journals and take the mystery out of it, step-by-step. We’ll talk about how to handle rejection, how to keep track of your submissions, what you can do to make your work stand out and so much more!! We might also talk about corgis, because corgis are cute.

*this is not a generative workshop. We won’t be sharing or critiquing work. But those are things that you should definitely do! Some handouts will be provided, but bring something to take notes, because notes are cool!

ABOUT GRACE: Grace Campbell was born, raised and educated in New York. She’s a co-founder and a head writer at Black River Press. She is a nonfiction reader for 5×5 and Spry Literary Journal. She has been awarded a 2018 June Dodge Fellowship through the Mineral School. Her work, FWIW, was a finalist for the Turnbuckle Chapbook Competition at Split Lip Press. Grace is the author of the forthcoming chapbook Girlie Shorts. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Gravel, New Flash Fiction Review, Jellyfish, Chagrin River Review, Two Hawks Quarterly and a variety of other places. She really likes tinted lip balm and extremely sharp scissors.

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