Self Care For Women Workshop

January 22, 2020 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Shelly Haas, Wellness Coaching
2631 12th Ct SW Suite C
Shelly Haas, Wellness Coaching

Feeling a little drained? Maybe a lot?
Is it time to start focusing on filling your own cup?
Join us for an evening of focusing on how we can take better care of ourselves!

Many of us tend to be care takers and do an excellent job of care taking everyone else in our lives, but ourselves. Caring for others is a beautiful gift, but the truth is if we want to continue to be of service to others in our life, we need to first focus on keeping our own cup full.

My intention with this workshop is for you to walk away with a feeling of how important self care is, a feeling of worthiness for it, specific actions you plan to take in taking better care of yourself, and support & accountability for following through with those actions!

I look so forward to seeing you!


The cost for this workshop is $30
Limited to 5 women, and you must pre-register to attend!

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