Submitted by LOTT Clean Water Alliance

LOTT Clean Water Alliance (LOTT) was nationally recognized, along with the designer Parametrix Inc., with an Engineering Excellence Award in a world-wide competition. The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) award program considers projects from across the globe, and selected LOTT’s Biological Process Improvements project as one of only eight winners. The project involved a large-scale upgrade of the nutrient removal process at the Budd Inlet Treatment Plant.

The Engineering Excellence Awards competition honors projects that demonstrate innovation, creative problem solving, and a unique ability to improve our world. Receiving this accolade highlights LOTT’s position as a leader in water resource recovery facilities. Since 1994, LOTT has employed biological nutrient removal as an added step to wastewater treatment, providing the highest level of treatment in the Puget Sound region. The Biological Process Improvements project, completed in 2023, reconfigured and consolidated the nutrient removal process, enhanced monitoring controls, and employed state of the art equipment.

“This world-class project design was made possible by a team delivery process that leveraged the expertise and innovation of the engineering designer Parametrix and LOTT staff,” said LOTT Executive Director Matthew Kennelly. “This highly successful project positions LOTT to serve our growing community and continue to protect Puget Sound.”

With these improvements, LOTT has achieved total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) levels as low as 0.4 milligrams per liter and an average of 1.6 milligrams per liter, compared to the 3 milligrams per liter permit limit. The upgrades included energy-saving technologies and operational strategies resulting in an estimated energy savings of 2,458,000 kilowatt-hours per year, which is equivalent to almost 19,000 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.

Low interest loan funding supports LOTT’s ongoing efforts to improve the treatment process and complete necessary plant upgrades. The $29 million project was partially funded by low interest loans from the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Washington State Department of Commerce Public Works Board.

This is the fourth major award for the project this year. Others include a Gold Award from the Washington Chapter of ACEC, an Environmental Achievement Award from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies, and Project of the Year from the American Public Works Association Washington Chapter.

For more information about the project and LOTT’s Budd Inlet Treatment Plant, please visit the LOTT Clean Water Alliance website.