Submitted by Dr. Jennifer Penrose of Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy

This is the title of my second book releasing in 2024. With 20 plus years of experience and board certified in orthopedics, I decided to write a book designed to help people age well. In this book, I describe things I have used with patients & clients to help people move better, feel better, and improve their strength and mobility. 

This book, “Forever Young: You can age gracefully” covers arthritis, inflammation, back pain, knee pain, neck pain/headaches/TMJ, shoulder pain, foot conditions, osteoporosis, and walking/running while aging. It is the complete guide from head to toe on the common things that I see limit people’s ability to stay active and mobile.

In celebration of this book, we are hosting a book signing event and an open house for “Patient Recognition” month February 29, 2024 from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. at Penrose Physical Therapy in Lacey for you to come by and get your signed copy of this book for 50% off, talk to myself and my staff, and see our re-designed facility. We have moved things around to make it a better experience and expanded our wellness services. Come sample my organic veggie soup or taste the delicious healthy protein shake from the wellness program “Eat For Joint Health & Inflammation” via TLS weight loss program.

RSVP at info@penrosept.com or there may not be enough books ordered or organic veggie soup or shakes for you!

This book is dedicated to my Grandma Dee as she was so active qualifying for senior national tennis more than once. She was an avid walker and cycled in Europe. She loved the lakes and being active.  However, later on she was in chronic pain due to osteoporosis and after a back surgery her hardware starting moving around in her soft bone. Soft bone can become debilitating as it did for her. This is why I’m passionate about seniors exercising and loading their muscles, loading their bones, and staying as active as possible. However, bone health starts earlier and in your 40s and 50s. Are you taking enough Calcium & Vitamin D? Are you considering hormone replacement therapy in your 50s as it is protective ages 50-60 both from a cardiac and from a bone perspective? My grandmother was active but she didn’t know if her Vitamin D level was low or if her hormones were causing bone loss (both of which may have caused her significant bone loss). I hope you will find the book helpful in avoiding what can be prevented and enjoying the golden years.

Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy won “Best Physical Therapy Clinic” in the South Sound in 2023. We are leading experts in helping people become active and mobile, reduce joint stress, and achieve longevity so they can enjoy life for years to come. Our wellness services include Pilates, personal training, massage, wellness/weight loss, eating for joint health and inflammation, and coming soon a stretch lab! We are located at 1445 Galaxy Dr. Suite 301 in Lacey.  For more information visit the Penrose Physical Therapy website or call/text 360.456.1444.

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