Submitted by Port of Olympia
The Port of Olympia will hold the fourth public open house on the Olympia Regional Airport Master Plan Update (MPU) on October 12, 2022, from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the Port’s Olympics Room located at 606 Columbia St NW in Percival Plaza. In order to make the meeting as accessible as possible, the meeting will now be both in person and online.
The open house will feature informational boards for the public to view in person and an opportunity to meet with the project team. These informational boards will also be made available on the Port’s Airport Master Plan Update website. At 6:30 p.m., the project team will give a twenty-minute formal presentation for those in attendance and broadcast via Zoom, with a comment period following the project team’s presentation. Port staff and project representatives will accept comments and questions during the comment period. However, any questions will be answered in an updated project Q&A document on the project webpage following the meeting. The remainder of the open house is purposely informal so that members of the public can view project information at their leisure.
To attend the 6:30 p.m. presentation online, please use one of the following options:
- Zoom:
- Passcode: 441277
- Or One tap Mobile:
- US: +12532158782,,83505768585#,,,,
*441277# or - 17193594580,,83505768585#,,,,*
- US: +12532158782,,83505768585#,,,,
- Or Telephone:
- US: +1 253 215 8782
- Webinar ID: 835 0576 8585
- Passcode: 441277
- US: +1 253 215 8782
The project team will present on the progress of the MPU, as well as share findings on a separate study examining the feasibility of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Part 139 commercial service at the Olympia Regional Airport. Part 139 refers to the FAA’s airport certification process for airports that meet the criteria for scheduled and/or unscheduled commercial air carrier operations.
The Port of Olympia’s process of updating the master plan and the commercial service feasibility study are unrelated to the state’s process of locating a new commercial service airport. See the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission website for more information about the state’s process.
The FAA recommends that the airport master plan be updated every 5-10 years. A master plan was last completed for the Olympia Regional Airport in 2013 and the update is anticipated to be completed by the end of the year.
An airport master plan is a comprehensive study of an airport and describes short-, medium-, and long-term development plans to meet future aviation demand. This study is 100% funded by the FAA and follows FAA Advisory Circular 150/5070-6B, Airport Master Plans. The purpose of a master plan is not to resolve airport maintenance, operations, property leasing, management, and policies issues; however, when these issues are identified during the master planning process, they will be documented so that they can be considered outside of the master plan process.
Public input on the master plan is very important to the Port and will be accepted throughout the duration of the master plan process. Comments can be submitted at any time to
To view a tentative schedule of meetings and public involvement events, and to join the email distribution list, please visit the project website. Although the Port is responsible for all development decisions, the influence of public input will be documented where