Submitted by Intercity Transit

The Intercity Transit Authority (ITA) is seeking civically-minded individuals to serve on the Community Advisory Committee (CAC). The CAC is a 20-member advisory group that provides input to the ITA on local public transportation issues. Nineteen members serve three-year terms, while the youth position serves a one-year term.

Members are selected to represent a cross-section of the community and geographical representation from throughout the public transportation benefit area. The group includes senior citizens, youth, people with disabilities, college students, business owners, environmentalists, bicyclists, and representatives from social service agencies, neighborhood associations, and the medical community.

The CAC meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Meetings are currently held remotely. CAC applications are available at Intercity Transit website, or by calling 360-705-5857. Completed applications are due by October 8, 2021 and can be mailed to CAC Attn: Nancy Trail, PO Box 659, Olympia, WA 98507, placed in our vanpool payment dropbox located at 526 Pattison Street SE in Olympia, or emailed to ntrail@intercitytransit.com.

For more information about the CAC, visit the Intercity Transit website or contact Nancy Trail at ntrail@intercitytransit.com or 360.705.5857.