Submitted by South Puget Sound Community College

The South Puget Sound Community College (SPSCC) Foundation recently worked with O’Bee Credit Union and the Olympia Tumwater Foundation to award three $1,000 scholarships to SPSCC Craft Brewing and Distilling students. The organizations describe this gift as just one way they are committed to the region’s craft beverage industry.

Staff from O’Bee Credit Union and the Olympia Tumwater Foundation recently joined leaders from the SPSCC program for a tour the new Craft Brewing & Distilling Center. The excitement across teams was obvious as they shared about the region’s future and rich history, including the creation of O’Bee Credit Union by workers of the Olympia Brewery 65 years ago.

“We are really excited to reach out and honor our brewing roots and engage with our community,” said Megan Myers, Interim Director of Business and Distribution for the SPSCC program.

Lee Wojnar, Vice President of Marketing at O’Bee Credit Union and Olympia Tumwater Foundation Board President, added that, “I think it is great that we have SPSCC in this space and I’m excited for the future of the program.”

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