Whatever the circumstance, we can always find a reason to celebrate. Shakespeare once said that “Experience is a jewel” and our multifaceted lives beautifully show how far we’ve come together. Take time to honor all types of mothers this Mother’s Day, whether birth family or chosen; near or far; or past, present, or future. Join the Panowicz Jewelers family in sending a little extra love to the one you call Mom.

This Mother’s Day, celebrate moms near and far with a gift from downtown Olympia’s Panowicz Jewelers. Photo courtesy: Panowicz Jewelers

Panowicz Jewelers is truly a family, made up of relatives, long-time employees and returning customers. They enjoy honoring moms, dads, grads, brides, and anyone looking for sentimental pieces, custom jewelry, or stunning pieces from around the world, all while maintaining their dedication to exceptional quality, lasting value and community involvement.

Rob Panowicz started in his family’s store when he was just in first grade. Now, after almost 30 years, he has turned the management of the store over to his daughter, Leslie Panowicz. “Mother’s Day has always been special for the Panowicz Jewelers family. With first my mother, and then my wife, and now my daughter and granddaughter being so actively involved in the business, Mother’s Day is a very important holiday for our family as well as our customers. Whether it be a mother’s ring or a special diamond pendant, we are able to help create a memory that will last for generations to come.”

Mary Ellen Jones, longtime customer, believes now more than ever we need to celebrate together. “Times like these, when there is worry and fear in most aspects of daily life, is a time for us to have grateful hearts and count the many blessings in our lives,” she says. “The celebrations that happen each year, like Mother’s Day and anniversaries, take on greater meaning and offer hope in such trying times. Celebrating our moms and other loved ones is easy to do when we have such kind and uplifting small businesses like Panowicz Jewelers who take the time to know you and work to find the perfect gift, no matter how big or small.”

Consider a locket for Mom’s most precious photos and engraved with her child’s actual handwriting. Photo credit: Kandy King

Kandy King, Panowicz Jewelers sales manager, believes that what makes Panowicz special on Mother’s Day “is that we have the inventory and staff to help you find exactly what you are looking for to express your feelings in a way that can be worn every day and handed down through generations to come. One of my favorite pieces we have available right now is a locket that you can personalize with pictures inside and a little note on the back. I was lucky (and surprised) to be gifted one. It has my children’s initials on the front, their pictures inside and a sweet note from my daughter on the back in her own handwriting.”

“For special holidays, events, and milestones, Panowicz has always been our go to for that ‘something special,’” says longtime customer Cindy Putnam. “My first Mother’s Day was May 1985, and I received a beautiful necklace from my husband to commemorate the event. It was the start of many treasures I have received through the years. This Mother’s Day will be special, as in August we will be first time grandparents. ”

If you can’t be with Mom, consider a virtual gift certificate that can be redeemed when you’re able to visit the store together someday soon. Photo courtesy: Panowicz Jewelers

We’re all wishing we could be closer to mom this year, even if she’s just across town. This year it’s even more important to say, “I love you!” and celebrate her tireless dedication, infectious grin or ability to turn any day into a party. Visit the Panowicz Jewelers online showcase or visit them on Instagram or Facebook to see the latest amazing jewelry OR simply give them a call at 360-357-4943. They are answering phones and checking email at sales@panowicz.com and would love to make Mother’s Day magic happen.  So get started on your gorgeous creation for mom…even if YOU’RE the mom in question.
