High school seniors with a passion for civil engineering, take note. Of the 95 employees at SCJ Alliance, an award-winning Lacey-based firm, 18 of them are alumni of  Saint Martin’s University’s engineering department. The connection between SCJ and SMU is strong and mutually beneficial, starting with two of SCJ’s three founders Perry Shea (class of ’84) and Bob Jewell (class of ’90), and continuing through Nick Mayfield (class of ’19).

SCJ Alliance founder Perry Shea (left) won SMU’s Distinguished Alumni award in 2018. Pictured with  Dr. Roy Heynderickx, Saint Martin’s University president. Photo courtesy: Saint Martin’s University

The impact of SMU’s Benedictine values and teaching style reverberates through SCJ today. Unlike many large public universities with hundreds of students per class and little interaction with faculty, SMU has intentionally kept class sizes small, a decision that SCJ’s alumni appreciate. “There’s definitely some DNA from Saint Martin’s at SCJ,” says Shea. “We learned to work together and develop trust and it was a safe environment to express your opinions. The culture at SCJ is very creative and our staff expresses ideas without worrying about getting shut down.”

Brandon Johnson, Principal at SCJ’s Centralia office (class of ’04), agrees. “There was no hiding behind a 200-person classroom at SMU,” he says. “You needed to be ready to answer questions at any moment. It definitely kept me engaged in a way that I wouldn’t normally have been at age 19, and that transferred into my work ethic.”

SCJ SMU 2017 graduate Maddie Knecht
Design Engineer Maddie Knecht is one of the most recent SMU graduates to join SCJ Alliance. Photo courtesy: SCJ Alliance

Hands-on experience was also a key according to Maddie Knecht, Design Engineer (class of ’17). “SCJ has a lot of collaboration and SMU’s small classes helped me to improve in that area,” she says. “My internship at SCJ offered a chance to not only learn the science behind real-world engineering but apply it. That was really helpful.”

Since graduating, SMU alumni have invested time and focus into their alma mater through teaching, classroom visits, sitting on advisory boards, and mentoring. “Community support is very strong, and Perry is a big part of that,” says David Olwell, Dean of the Hal and Inge Marcus School of Engineering. SCJ is very active with internships and contributing to our annual Gala.” The Gala is SMU’s signature fundraising event for student scholarships.

Ten years ago SCJ’s third founder, planner Jean Carr, was instrumental in the creation of SMU’s campus master plan. “Saint Martin’s didn’t really have a document to show them how to connect all their spaces and to use as a blueprint for growth,” Carr says. “SCJ prepared an integrated master plan that’s allowed them to be more thoughtful and deliberate about future steps.”

SCJ Saint Martin-'s Alumni engineering facilities tour 2017-0419
SCJ’s many SMU alumni took a tour of the new engineering facilities. Photo courtesy: Saint Martin’s University

As part of that plan, two game-changing facilities have been added for the engineering department. Cebula Hall, the new engineering building, opened in 2013 and is the highest scored Platinum LEED educational facility in the Western Hemisphere. In 2016, the Panowicz Foundry for Innovation and the E.L. Wiegand Laboratories was dedicated. It added 17,363-square-feet of laboratories and design space where the University’s engineering and computer science students can apply what they learn in the classroom.

SCJ’s planners, engineers, and landscape architects have also worked on the Father Alfred J. Hulscher  Courtyard, Harned Hall, new residential housing like Spangler Hall, renovations and updates of existing structures, and transportation improvements.

The difference on campus between now and when he attended SMU is night and day, says Johnson. “I’ve been involved in every one of these projects, and I’m pretty jealous, honestly. Everything we’re designing is amazing, from the rec center to the engineering building and the walking paths that are part of the north campus. It’s been pretty cool to use the training I got at SMU to help make the campus what it is today.”

SCJ Harned Hall at SMU
Harned Hall (on right) is just one of the projects SCJ was involved with on SMU’s campus. Photo courtesy: SCJ Alliance

Despite all the upgrades, one thing hasn’t changed: class size. “In the new buildings, one of the design considerations was maintaining those small class sizes that create those personal relationships,” says Olwell. “The result is a capacity constraint. We’re never going to have 2,000 engineering students, but it preserves the ability of the community to know and help each other.”

Genevieve Chan, SMU’s VP for Marketing and College Relations, notes that enrollment in the engineering department has increased 25 percent since the new buildings were erected.

“It’s part of the larger vision of Thurston County,” says Olwell. “We’re not just a home for government employees and a bedroom community for Seattle. This is a place where our kids can find good jobs doing important things in clean industries.”

SCJ is clearly a case in point, providing internships for junior students and directly hiring seniors who are about to graduate. “We couldn’t ask for a better recruiting option,” says Shea, noting SCJ also has non-engineering SMU graduates on staff. “SMU is ten minutes from our Lacey office and the people we hire are well prepared to begin their careers,” he says. SCJ has seven offices across Washington State and four of them include SMU engineering grads.

SCJ SMU 2011 graduat Tyrell Bradley at SMU Career Fair
SMU alumni Tyrell Bradley represented SCJ Alliance at an on-campus job fair. Photo courtesy: SCJ Alliance

Meanwhile, on campus the drive to enhance educational opportunities continues. The university raised more than $10 million for the engineering lab spaces and programs and have since raised an additional $10 million for a science initiative tentatively labeled Catalyst for Discovery. Much of the funding has come through alumni. “We would not be where we are today without the support of SCJ, Perry and others like him,” says Vice President of Institutional Advancement Cecilia Loveless.

Shea is equally appreciative of SMU. “I’m just thankful that there’s such a great university in our community,” he says. “They do a wonderful job and it’s a place we can tap into regularly and find great talent to be the next thought leaders in our region. A big thank you to SMU.”

For more information, visit the SCJ Alliance website or call 360-352-1465.
