Seven Oaks Elementary Rallies to Help Long-time Teacher Tim Bittrick

Seven Oaks Elementary Tim Bittrick Leonidas
Leonidas (left) with his teacher Tim Bittrick (right). Bittrick has inspired many past and present students who are rallying together on his behalf with a fundraiser March 10. Photo courtesy: Seven Oaks Elementary

Submitted by Laurie Jones

Mr. Tim Bittrick is one of those teachers you remember all your life. The kind that impacts kids in so many more ways than just reading or math. He is also an incredible person and friend. In early December, Mr. Bittrick was diagnosed with ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and although the journey associated with ALS can take many forms, until a cure is found, it is terminal. Even as it attacks his muscles, speech, and strength, Mr. B. is an inspiration to both students and adults with his positive attitude, humor, and passion for kids. His example of perseverance, faith, and resilience is a testimony to his hugely impacting teaching career. He has taught in North Thurston Public schools for over 30 years, beginning at Olympic View in 1987 and then becoming part of the planning team for Seven Oaks and teaching there since it opened in 1990.

Seven Oaks Elementary Tim Bittrick reunion
On February 10, Seven Oaks Elementary had a reunion for teacher Tim Bittrick. Photo courtesy: Seven Oaks Elementary

Tim Bittrick has four children, ages 19-29. His outside interests have always involved the outdoors, especially National Parks. He has loved books and often shares words of wisdom from some of the great leaders in history. What most students mention about “Mr. B” is his compassion and sense of honor and perseverance.  That is all the more notable now, in watching this journey.

Saturday, March 10 there is a special fundraising event at the Seven Oaks Elementary gym from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.  It is being organized and hosted by “TEAM BITTRICK”, a group of friends who have rallied together in support of Tim Bittrick.  There will be pizza, raffles, a bake sale, and even a pie in the face for some brave souls! Come join in the fun! You can also join the Team Bittrick Facebook page.

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