Submitted by City of Tumwater

The City of Tumwater and Thurston County announce the availability of funding through the Community Development Block Grant Program. The City estimates it will have approximately $671,000 available for capital projects and a maximum of approximately $160,000 for public services.

Projects must benefit residents of the City of Tumwater. The City of Tumwater is soliciting applications for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding for eligible activities that provide affordable housing in Tumwater. In addition, up to 15% of the total CDBG allocation may be used for public services that serve low-income households, including job training; crime prevention; health services; services for homeless persons; substance abuse services; fair housing counseling; and education programs.

Public service activities are available for services provided by organizations located in or locating to Tumwater, or that primarily serve residents of Tumwater. The public service funding is at the discretion of the City. Details of the City’s priorities are provided in the application materials.

“The Community Development Block Grant program provides communities like ours with resources to address a wide range of community development needs,” said Mayor Pete Kmet.

“This funding does not stay in city hall – it is awarded to local businesses, service providers, and organizations in Tumwater that provide affordable housing or services to low-income families. This is a key part of our efforts in Tumwater to provide affordable housing options for low-income families, and serve the people who live in them.”

Request for Proposals (RFP) due April 6, 2018, by 12:00 p.m. (noon).

Thurston County is managing the grant process as part of the 2018 Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP). A link to the RFP is posted to the Thurston County website.