Bill Christie – Lacey’s Licensed Massage Practitioner’s Healing Hands Bring Relief


Bill Christie’s life path gets high marks for width and breadth. Did the wheat farmer from Saskatchewan ever dream about being a specialized massage therapist in Lacey? (Correct answer: no). Life has a marvelous way of unfolding, and Bill’s journey rolls along with pursuing education and creating adventures.

Capitol City Honda sponsorThe story begins on the farmlands of Canada where the Christie family grew wheat. Bill worked on the farm. Lucky for Bill, the severe winters and freezing limited agricultural activities during that time of year, which allowed him to pursue other interests. “I got to do other stuff like be a commercial and bush pilot, a flight instructor and a crop duster.” Little did he know at that time, but all the flying “prepared me for the subtleties of using my hands with a light touch.” He added, “It’s as if your hands understand what’s happening before it happens.” The massage business was still in his future, but the groundwork was being laid.

bill christie massage
Bill Christie is a licensed massage practitioner in Lacey. He has developed his knowledge and skill to offer personalized care and healing.

Interested in his own personal growth and development, Christie enrolled in a series of courses with Context. Inspired by his learning, he later assisted on teams presenting this information. It was during a Mastery class that he met Diane (Rogers) Starr. They married in 1995, and farm life took a back seat. Bill left Canada and settled in Diane’s town of Lacey.

It was during their first month of marriage that an accident influenced his career direction. Diane fell backwards off a ladder. Bill spent the months afterwards driving her around to multiple practitioners to find relief. They even purchased a massage table to use at home. When Bill tried his own hands on Diane’s back, she told him that he had “a nice touch.” Serendipitously, a friend of Bill’s had enrolled at Alexandar School of Natural Therapeutics in Tacoma. Bill decided to join him and graduated in 2000, becoming a licensed massage practitioner.

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Bill Christie’s hands listen to the rhythms of your body during a massage.

Bill worked at the school’s clinic and spa, but soon the Christies departed for new lives in sunny, warm Palm Springs. In short order, he was working for an agency that staffed masseuses all over the area. In this way, Bill got to work in multiple venues – hotels, resorts, and outcalls to the rich and famous. He enjoyed the variety and experience. However, the following spring, Bill was diagnosed with prostate cancer. “I joined a club that I didn’t really want to join.” His treatment and recovery went well, but it took many more months to fully recover. This intimate journey with cancer provided him with a deep and personal understanding of others in similar situations.

When the Christies moved back to Thurston County in 2002, Bill opened his own practice. Shortly after their move he attended the fall convention for the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). There he met Tim Hutton, LMP with a Ph.D. in physics and certified in CranioSacral therapy.

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Bill Christie’s massage space, in Lacey, is comfortable and peaceful.

The results he saw as he watched Hutton work impressed Bill. This led to course work for techniques in both cranial sacral and lymph drainage. Bill was great with his hands and could sense the rhythms in peoples’ bodies. He studied and easily assimilated the concepts into practice.

Then Bill met Dr. Ron Mariotti, who became his mentor for visceral manipulation, a technique founded by Jean-Pierre Barral. He was intrigued and wanted to learn more. This meant he entered a realm with doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists. The subject required deeper learning and understanding of anatomy. “I had to learn it or quit, but I was up for the challenge,” he reflects. So rather than give up, he dug in and took the necessary courses.

Clients have told me they have experienced deep levels of healing and relief from Bill. I have heard more than one person say that Bill had a direct, positive effect on the quality of their lives as they dealt with cancer. Christie states, “I don’t heal anyone, I just help the body to do its work.”

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Ever the flyer, Bill Christie has fun with his remote control airplanes. Photo credit: Diane Christie.

I enjoyed the first massage of my life as a college student in 1977. That was back when Radiance occupied an upstairs space on 4th Avenue. My life was forever changed. I’ve continued all these years with many practitioners for the purposes of relaxation, pain relief, injury rehabilitation and alignment adjustments. Every person has a different touch and philosophy. I’ve appreciated all my sessions with Bill. He ‘listens’ to what my body is telling him and goes from there. I’ve fallen into sleep while he was gently rocking my head. I’ve had my organs moved around a bit, which may sound creepy but it’s not. It was really helpful.

Remember that bodies are complex systems of organs, bones, muscles, and blood that are continuously shaped by our thoughts, actions and activities. There are many healing practitioners in our area. Bill Christie offers specialized treatment. He continues with this line of work because he’s fascinated with what goes on inside our bodies. Every person and every situation is different.

It’s hard for Bill to resist a new challenge. When he’s not working at his massage table, you might find Bill singing at the choir at Unity of Olympia or flying one of his remote control planes. If you can’t find him right away, he’s probably traveling. His adventures continue.

To learn more, visit Bill Christie online or call his Lacey office at 360-870-0878.

Eat Well – Be Well

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