By Laurie O’Brien
A ThurstonTalk camera was on hand for Annual Day of Champions at Tumwater High School on Thursday, May 21, 2015.
Nearly 600 students with special needs from all eight Thurston County school districts participated in the 13th annual event. Students rotated around the stadium, participating in 14 different track and field events staffed by leadership students from local high schools.
This year the Tumwater Kiwanis Club stepped in to help Day of Champions’ organizer, Justin Gurnsey, with financial and organizational assistance. Club president Randy Reynolds and other Kiwanians were on hand to help in a variety of support roles including lunch preparation, t-shirt sales, and on-field assistance.
This year’s sponsors included the following:
Stephen B. Kern Family Dentistry
Sutton Chiropractic and Massage
Mercurio’s Heating and Electrical
Weichert Realtors/Reynolds Real Estate
Shama Dental Lab, Inc.
Karen Schoessel Consulting