The sun rises late and sets early. Gray days outnumber the sunny and the rain just keeps coming. Yep. It’s winter in Thurston County. And with the cold, wet days comes a tendency to bundle under the blankets and sip a nice cup of tea. Sounds cozy, right?
Eastside Chiropractic’s Dr. Murray Smith enjoys a day on the couch here and there, too. But Dr. Smith knows that staying active during the winter months is critical for overall health and well-being. And while it may be harder to get outside in the winter, there are many things anyone can do to ensure they stay active until the days lengthen and we all begin to dry out.
- Add Indoor, Intense Exercise – You don’t need a gym membership to get your heart rate up during the winter months. Take a 10 minute break at work and climb your office building stairs. Choose an online video with 10 or 15 minute segments of high intensity exercise. “Even engaging in one minute of intense exercise, raising your heart rate, can greatly impact health,” shares Dr. Smith.
- Invest in Quality, Lightweight Raingear – Face it. We live in an area where it’s going to rain. A lot. Every year. By purchasing some quality, lightweight raingear (Dr. Smith recommends Frog Toggs), you can set out on your daily walk no matter the weather. Your health, mental and physical, will benefit from time spent being active outdoors. Take the dog, too. You’ll be adding to Fido’s well-being at the same time.
- Get Some Fresh Air – Now that you have your raingear, be sure to take it to work. “Flu season typically peaks in January and February,” shares Dr. Smith. “With short days and poor weather, most people are staying indoors, close to each other, and airborne viruses can easily be transmitted.” By taking breaks to get fresh air, you not only reduce your risk of catching something, but you’ll feel invigorated and energized when you return, increasing productivity and mental outlook.
- Get a Good Night’s Sleep through Exercise – It’s no secret that people tend to sleep better when they’ve exercised. By including moderate to intense activity at least once in your day, you can greatly improve your quality of sleep. And, when you sleep better, your immune system stays stronger and functions more effectively to defend you from the viral “soup” floating around you during cold and flu season.
Establish an Exercise Routine – “Don’t underestimate the mental and physical health benefits of a disciplined routine,” says Dr. Smith. By establishing, and sticking to, a set routine you will skip fewer workouts and develop a pattern of healthy living that can last a lifetime. “In 28 years of chiropractic I have never – not once – had someone say they felt worse by sticking to their routine,” shares Smith. So whether it’s a walk to the corner market for the morning paper instead of having it delivered, leaving for your run directly after putting the kids on the bus, or going to the gym on your way home from work each day, find a routine that you can stick to. Once you do, you’ll feel the mental and physical benefits begin to compound.
- Join a Class – By committing to, and paying for, a fitness class you are more likely to attend. Better yet, join the class with several friends. The power of peer pressure is sure to get you there on time. The accountability of knowing you are “expected” ensures that you’ll make a greater effort to actually go. And, a nice side benefit class is the support and rapport you’ll develop with classmates as you all work towards better health. Classes abound in Thurston County through private gyms, studios, Senior Centers, and Parks and Rec Departments. Ranging from water aerobics to kick boxing and Tai Chi to Cross Fit, finding a class that works for you may be the key to establishing a routine that will last.
Dr. Smith says his ultimate goal for any patient is to improve their quality of life. By staying fit, active and healthy throughout the winter months, you can see visible improvements both mentally and physically.
To add chiropractic to your routine, or talk more with Dr. Smith about how you can achieve optimal health, contact Eastside Chiropractic at 360-459-9000.