Smart Energy Today Encourages a Transition to Solar Power

olympia solar panel
Smart Energy Today was ranked as one of America's Fastest-Growing private companies by Inc. 500.


olympia solar panel
Smart Energy Today is encouraging home owners to install solar panels.

Most people, if asked to name the country that leads the world in the generation of solar power would, quite reasonably, think about countries that get the most days of sunshine per year – Spain, Argentina or Australia.

The answer, though, is none of the above.

According to Energy Informative, a website devoted to sharing information about alternative energy, Germany, with its mild, cloudy winters and warm maritime summers has the highest installed capacity of solar PV Power. An article on the site goes on to explain, “Germany is not a country with incredible amounts of solar energy – what they do have is an excellent subsidizing framework, which ensures that solar power can compete on the market.”

Mild, cloudy winters and a maritime climate sounds a lot like Washington. In fact, Washington and Germany have very similar climates. And, like Germany, the incentives, or subsidizing framework, available for solar power at the county, state and federal level are better than ever. And not only that, but solar technology has improved rapidly.

“Now is the perfect time for homeowners to invest in solar power,” said Julie Murray, Media Relations manager at Smart Energy Today, Inc., an Olympia-based company that is growing so fast that it recently made the Inc. 500 list. Smart Energy Today is only the sixth company in Olympia to make the list.  It is the fourth-fastest growing private company in Washington and the 14th fastest growing energy services company in the nation.

“Between federal, state and local rebates, it is the ideal time for homeowners to make the investment in solar energy,” Murray said.

smart energy today
Smart Energy Today was ranked as one of America’s Fastest-Growing private companies by Inc. 500.  Photo credit: Dinea de Photo

Financial Incentives for Going Solar in Washington

Right now, there are five financial incentives that Thurston County residents can take advantage of.

  1. The Washington State Solar Production Incentive – Most Washington State Public Utility Districts offer an unusually powerful solar incentive for homeowners and businesses. This incentive, called a production incentive, encourages local utilities to pay their customers up to $5,000 per year for generating solar power. Puget Sound Energy (PSE) uses a system called Net Metering. Customers that generate their own electricity, and are connected to the utility’s distribution grid, offset electricity that would otherwise be purchased from the utility. There may be times when the customer’s system generates more electricity than the home needs. In these cases, a credit is issued to the customer’s account for the extra power that can be used during the following month(s) until the annual true-up. In other words, the customer will only pay for the energy that PSE provides.
  2. The Federal Solar Tax Credit – Here is an example to explain how this program works. If you buy a $5,000 solar system, you can write off $1,500 from your taxes owed. If you don’t pay enough taxes to get the full amount back you can take up to five years to claim the full amount.
  3. Sales Tax Exemption – Washington State will not charge sales tax on any charges for solar equipment or installation purchased before 2018 for energy systems under 10 kilowatt.
  4. Increase in Home’s Resale Value – A recent study in California, which studied the sale of 72,000 homes, demonstrated a significant increase in home resale value when the home featured a solar installation.  This effect was consistent throughout the state.
  5. Energy Savings – Every kilowatt hour of energy your solar array produces is a kilowatt hour for which you are not paying the utility. By producing free energy from the sun, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars per year, at today’s electric rates.

Innovations in Technology Make Solar Viable Green Energy Option

smart energy today“The efficiency at which solar panels can actually collect energy today is incredible,” noted Murray.

“You can get started with as little as a 1 to 2 kilowatt system. Most companies cannot offer those smaller packages. Therefore, for about $5,000 – $6,000 people can get started on solar,” said Murray.

According to Murray, Smart Energy Today specializes in assisting home owners and business owners become more energy efficient with the ultimate goals of helping them to save money on their utility bills, decrease consumption, and increasing the comfort of their home.

The company is committed to offering high-quality, durable products that provide long-lasting and maintenance free performance, and they believe so strongly in their products that they stand behind them with warranties and product guarantees.

Smart Energy Today, Inc. uses Washington-made solar panels. Their photovoltaic PV Solar System is unique in that it uses 85% fewer parts than traditional panels, produces 5-25% more energy, and can be added on to over time.

“Our product is incredible because it is easy to add on to the panels, allowing homeowners to start out with a lower cost then add on to later,” said Murray. This is an exciting time for solar power. Cut your energy bill in half, and lower your environmental footprint and an investment in solar today will increase the value of your home.”

For more information, contact Smart Energy Today at 888-405-8689 or visit their website at


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