Used Outdoor Gear and Consignment Shop Opens in Olympia

centro olympia
Centro is a new retail store concept in downtown Olympia.

Submitted by Centro

centro olympia
Centro is a new retail store concept in downtown Olympia.

The partners at Centro have created the Olympia Gear Exchange, a used outdoor gear and consignment shop, that will share space with Centro, The Bike Stand, The Olympia Footwear Company and the Warehouse Rock Gym in the Historic Hyak Building in downtown Olympia. The Olympia Gear Exchange, Olympia’s first outdoor recreation consignment store, will focus on seasonal adventure sports including cycling, climbing, camping, hiking and winter sports.

The shop will be open for consignment and intake of equipment beginning Tuesday, September 16, during Centro’s normal business hours.  Our expert appraisers will help determine value, set price and explain our commission structure.  We are keenly interested in winter sport products now – Alpine Ski, Snowboard and Snowshoeing.  We will also be accepting camping, hiking, and cycling  equipment, as well as apparel and footwear.  So clean out your closets and storerooms, and let us sell you gear.

Says Joe Hyer, Centro President, “The Olympia Gear Exchange is not only a great idea, it’s also a great way to show our values of community and sustainability.  Now we just hope the community responds by bringing us gear to sell.”

A grand opening is set for Friday, September 26, 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, where customers will get first crack at the best deals around.  In addition to used equipment, the shop will sell close-outs, clearance, samples and other opportunities.

The Olympia Gear Exchange will be located in the North Side of Centro, 408 Olympia Ave NE in Downtown Olympia.

About Centro:

Centro, a locally owned urban lifestyle store with an outdoors influence, in downtown Olympia, Washington. Located diagonally from the Hands on Children’s Museum in the historical Hyak Building on Olympia Avenue, Centro currently features The Bike Stand, The Olympia Footwear Co, everyday essentials, a seasonal ski-shop and The Gear Exchange.