Have you been logging some extra hours on your couch lately? At our house we have abandoned the typical rules surrounding “screen time” in favor of cheering on amazing athletes from around the world competing in the XXII Winter Olympic Games. Sharing in the “thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” is a tradition we look forward to every four years (well, every two counting the Summer Games).
But, sometimes the view from the couch isn’t worthy of the athletes on the screen. Many households have upgraded the television around the holidays or the Superbowl (Go Hawks!). But what about the rest of the viewing station? The beautiful flat screen truly should not be sitting on top of your desk from college.
Find something lovely-to-look-at to complement the television you have, complete the look of your room, and ultimately enhance the viewing experience for everyone. Imagine…..no more cords dangling here and there, no more components stacked precariously, no more movie cases stacked on the floor by the TV.
Woodshed Furniture in Lacey has a vast selection of TV stands and entertainment centers to suit any room size, style and budget. From more rustic and unique to classic mission lines, there is something to match every décor.
Jed Hart, second generation owner of Woodshed Furniture shares that entertainment furniture has changed a lot in recent years. “Things have really transitioned to TV stands instead of full entertainment centers. People are hanging TVs on the wall, but there is still a need to complete the look with a piece of furniture. Plus, having a place to store components and remotes is key to making a room look great.”
And with TVs growing by leaps and bound, Woodshed has also increased the variety of sizes in their entertainment section. The store now carries stands to accommodate up to an 85” screen. Now that would be an impressive screen size on which to watch the USA win gold.
Along with variety in size and style, the store carries many options for component pieces. You can purchase a single piece stand to easily store all the “stuff” that comes with a great system, perfectly sized for your TV. Or, you can opt for additional “towers” and cabinets that flank the main stand, creating a more custom built-in look in your home. Styles range from unfinished wood to decorative glass paneled doors and all types in-between.
“While some people are hanging their TVs on the wall,” explains Hart, “having a solid, quality piece of furniture below it helps keep the electronics in scale to the rest of the room and not overtake it.” And for those who might like the look of a TV hung over a fireplace, but don’t have one in their home, Woodshed carries the latest trend in entertainment furniture – Fireplace Television Stands. These beautiful pieces are crafted from wood and integrate an electric fireplace that simply plugs into the wall. They come in just as many styles as other stands and can be purchased for corners or flat walls.
“The fireplace stands add ambiance to the room and have become very popular in the last year or so,” adds Hart.
So, take a peek beyond that TV when you are cheering Team USA to Olympic Gold and ask yourself if your TV is really looking its best, hanging all alone on the wall or perched precariously on a tiny table. If the answer is no, take a break from the Games and head over to Woodshed Furniture to browse their extensive options.
6127 Martin Way East
Lacey, WA 98516