Olympia Mortgage Lender Discusses The Positives Of Shopping Local

olympia mortgage broker


olympia mortgage brokerYou see the billboards around town.  Pop-ups jump onto your screen when you are surfing the Internet.  You find glossy postcards in your mailbox.  All these mechanisms, advertising low interest rate home loans, are geared to get you to call and find out just how much a lender can save you.

But are they really saving you?  And, do you know that the person you are working with has your best interests in mind?  Or maybe they just want to get you into this loan to meet their quota or earn a commission.

Instead, William Tuning encourages you to sit across the desk from a local mortgage lender.

A member of CU Mortgage Division, which is a branch of of Nations Lending Corporation, NMLS# 32416, Tuning’s office is in West Olympia.  You can call him directly with no switchboard to interfere. He responds to text messages and emails to get you answers that you need.  This accessibility is one thing that sets Tuning apart from internet banks. Often times you will even see his e-mails come in on a weekend or late evening too as that is just the kind of service his active pre-approved purchase clients who are shopping for a home typically receive.

“The internet is a good place to conduct research.  There are tools that can provide great information but you aren’t forming a relationship,” explains Tuning.

“It’s very tricky because that person on the other end of the phone doesn’t have anything invested in you when they hang up,” he continues.  “Sure, you may get a low rate but do you know that you are paying in fees?  Are you receiving a personal explanation of the forms?” Often people see the low rate but do not know how much it actually costs to get that rate and when it is explained they are shocked at the cost as they did not know that is what the form meant when they signed it to get the low rate.

Tuning adds that frequently people don’t understand the lengthy forms that they are signing when completing a mortgage through the mail or over the internet.  He encourages home buyers to figure out exactly what you are paying versus what’s advertised.

“You may see a low rate advertised but there is no mention of the cost to get that rate.  It’s like saying, ‘oh, you want to buy a car – do you want tires with that?’” explains Tuning. Having a local relationship can be invaluable when going through the home buying process as it can make the seller a whole lot more comfortable knowing your lender is local rather than located 2000 miles away.

Tuning encourages Olympia home buyers to check the local mortgage lending market first.  He believes that local customer service is better for everyone in the process.

To learn more about William Tuning and his approach to helping people achieve home ownership, click here.

You can reach William Tuning directly at 360.539.4687 or via email at wm@williamatuning.com.