Olympia Personal Trainer – Be Healthy And Fit At Any Age

masters skiing


Submitted by Amanda Price-Salazar, Edge Fitness

masters skiingAmanda Price-Salazar, owner of Edge Fitness in Tumwater, is a firm believer in the phrase “age is just a number.”

Her oldest client, Dr. Chuck Evans is 81 years old and a true testament to how a customized health and fitness program can benefit people of all ages.

Chuck came to Amanda eight years ago, looking to improve strength to help him in his competitive skiing career.  Little did he know, Price-Salazar had much more planned for him than just a strength-only training program. After evaluating his strength, cardiovascular endurance, stability/balance/flexibility, postural alignment, and range of motion, Price-Salazar created a well-rounded program for him.

After completing his first package of eight personal training sessions, he realized he needed much more help and guidance than he thought. Investing in a consistent personal training program with Price-Salazar has been a very important health investment for Chuck. It has been vital to his overall success when skiing competitively in races and aided in his continued improved health over the years.

Also since working with Price-Salazar, Chuck recovered more quickly than doctors thought possible from two shoulder surgeries and a knee surgery. In addition, in January 2013 he was told he might need to consider a knee replacement that would prevent him from competing in current races or the Masters Nationals at the end of the season. Using her 17 years of experience as a personal trainer, Price-Salazar told Chuck she believed with proper supplementation for the joint, strengthening of the muscles and stabilizers around the knee, and stretching, a knee replacement would not be necessary. He put his trust in her knowledge and abilities and began working out with her again twice a week to prepare him to compete.

master skiingSince January 2013, Chuck has continued to ski competitively pain free and successfully with Price-Salazar’s help. He placed first in all of the Pacific Northwest Masters races which included Washington, Oregon, and Northern Idaho in his category with the finals races at Mount Bachelor. He also placed third in the downhill and third overall at the United States Ski Association Alpine Masters Championships at Big Sky Montana.

At 81 years old, Chuck continues to invest in personal training with Price-Salazar twice per week, plays golf, cycles, skis, operates a construction business, and much more. He is a true picture of health and what living a healthy lifestyle can do for you! As Price-Salazar says…..”80 is the new 20!”

Personal training isn’t just for those needing to lose weight. Personal training is an important investment that over the short and long-term can help you help you to feel stronger, healthier, and live a long, healthy and happy lifestyle at any age! Whether you want to be more active with your kids, grand kids, need to recover from an injury, want compete in your first race, need to lose weight, start a healthy nutrition program or learn how to live a healthier lifestyle, a customized health and fitness program is worthy health investment to achieve the results you want in the right amount of time.

Price-Salazar offers personal training, nutrition, fitness classes, corporate wellness programs, and more at Edge Fitness. Feel free  to contact her today to take the first step in reaching your health and fitness goals today! Contact her by email at info@edgefitnessnow.com or phone at (360) 790-6767.