Ostrom’s Mushroom Farms Celebrates 85 Years As A Family Owned Business



Submitted by Ostrom’s Mushroom Farms

Olympia, WA – You can expect to see the familiar Ostrom’s Mushroom Farms trademark across the Puget Sound region throughout 2013 as the company thanks the public for helping it become one of the most successful family farms in the Pacific Northwest.

Since its inception in 1928, Ostrom’s has been part of the fabric of the South Sound community. The company has grown with the region and now comprises over 300 growers, pickers and packers who produce high quality mushrooms for a loyal customer base that consumes over 17 million pounds of mushrooms a year.

“Many of our friends and neighbors have struggled with this challenging economy, so we felt that the time was right to step up and do whatever we can to support the needs of our community,” explains David Knudsen, Ostrom’s CEO. “We are fortunate to have achieved some measure of success and we believe it is our responsibility to give back to the communities that have helped make that success possible.”

Key community initiatives for Ostrom’s include the Hands On Children’s Museum in Olympia, the South Sound YMCA, and the Thurston County Boy’s and Girl’s Club. Additionally, Ostrom’s will partner with the Sounders Women soccer franchise to further educate our youth on the lifelong benefits of healthy eating habits.

“We added support of the Sounders Women to our community involvement initiative because it provides a dynamic forum to reach young women during their critical formative years. The players have an enormously positive influence on their fans, many of whom embrace the Sounders as role models,” said Fletcher Street, Ostrom’s Director of Sales and Marketing. “Of course, it’s no coincidence that these young women and their mothers are primary audiences for our marketing.”

Research increasingly reveals why the humble mushroom is qualified to join the ranks of so-called superfoods, such as broccoli and blueberries. Numerous studies suggest that mushrooms may help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

“Mushrooms may seem plain, but they really are a superfood,” says dietician Dr. Sarah Schenker. “They contain virtually no fat, sugar or salt and are a valuable source of dietary fiber, as well as the five B vitamins thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6) and folate. They also contain the essential minerals potassium, copper, phosphorous and iron.

Most significant among their mineral content is selenium, which you don’t find in many fruits and vegetables.”

Ostrom’s is one of the first mushroom producers to introduce a Vitamin-D enhanced product. By briefly exposing the growing mushroom to UV light, the mushrooms generate significantly increased levels of Vitamin-D, just like a human when exposed to sunlight. This product is particularly suited to the people of the sun-starved Pacific Northwest.

About Ostrom’s Mushroom Farms  (Scheduled tours are available)

Ostrom Mushrooms is located at Mushroom Corner in Olympia, Washington. Family owned and operated since 1928, it is Washington’s choice for quality fresh mushrooms. The people of the Pacific Northwest eat over seventeen million pounds of Ostrom’s mushrooms every year. Ostrom’s team of over 300 growers, pickers and packers is dedicated to providing the best in quality and customer service. Ostrom’s is an industry leader in developing sustainable packaging from local sources that is made from 100% recycled materials and is recyclable. In addition, Ostrom’s was one of the first mushroom farms in the world to introduce Vitamin-D enhanced mushroom products. For more information on Ostrom’s Mushroom Farms, including an entertaining and informative video on their growing process, see: http://www.OstromMushrooms.com.