Adventure Storyteller Shares Stories At Olympia Timberland Library



Submitted by Timberland Regional Library

No job is too big, no hero too small, and brains overcome brawn in empowering folktales for children told by storyteller Naomi Baltuck and her son, Eli. The pair will perform their program of multicultural adventure stories about heroes, “He Can, She Can, We Can!” at the Olympia Timberland Library on Saturday, January 26 from 3 to 4 p.m. The program is recommended for school-age children.

Naomi Baltuck is a writer, blogger and professional storyteller from Seattle.  Her book, “Apples from Heaven: Multicultural Folk Tales about Stories and Storytellers,” is an award-winning collection of international folktales about storytelling and the role of stories in transmitting information, history, and values.

Baltuck has also written books of storytellers’ tips for teachers, librarians, scout leaders, camp counselors, parents, and entertainers such as “Crazy Gibberish and Other Story Hour Stretches from a Storyteller’s Bag of Tricks” and “Storytime Stretchers : Tongue Twisters, Choruses, Games, and Charades”.

The event is sponsored by the Friends of the Olympia and Tumwater Timberland Libraries. The Olympia library is located at 313 8th Avenue SE. For more information, contact the library at (360) 352-0595 or visit