Biofilm Issues



Submitted by David Overton

Most people have never heard of biofilms, but they have experienced them.  Biofilm is the preferred form of life for the majority of microorganisms that infect humans. Biofilm is experienced as sinus congestion, mucus, drainage from body openings, throat congestion, chest congestion or sputum, mucus in the urine or other form of discharge.  Most people try to suppress these symptoms with antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays, inhalers, pain medicines and various remedies that relieve symptoms but may block or suppress immune functions.  Unfortunately, these remedies do not penetrate the biofilm and/or may drive infections deeper to relapse later or cause chronic symptoms.

Pathogenic (disease causing) organisms produce biofilm as a survival technique.  Microorganisms living in biofilm adhere to surfaces and are hard to dislodge.  They are protected within the biofilm from white blood cells and immune defenses.  For example, macrophages (monocytes), neutrophils, lymphocytes (T helper cells, B cells and Killer cells) cannot get through the biofilm to destroy the pathogen or stimulate antibody production and immune responses. Some biofilm infections are 100 to 1000 times more resistant to antibiotics, compared to other strains.

A few examples of biofilm microorganisms include:

  1. Viral infections: adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, coxsackie, echovirus, Ebstein Barr, herpes, HPV and many others.
  2. Bacteria: Chlamydia pneumonia and trachomatis, E. coli , Helicobacter pylori, Hemophilus, Klebsiella pneumonia, mycoplasma, staph, MRSA,  strep, ureaplasm and many others.
  3. Fungi: Candida, aspergillus, mucor, others
  4. Parasites: trichomonas, others

For example, strep mutans produces biofilm known as dental plaque leading to cavities and is associated with strokes, heart and kidney disease. Helicobacter pylori bacteria reside in biofilm on the stomach lining and are associated with gastric ulcers and heart disease.  Staph infections produce yellow mucus. These are all hard to treat if you just rely on conventional treatments.

Medical researchers have discovered biofilm but pharmaceutical companies have not developed effective drugs yet.  Because there are no drugs yet, providers are not being trained and do not inform their patients about biofilms.  However, there are a number of alternative treatments that break up biofilms so that your white blood cells and immune system can attack the microorganisms.  If needed, there are limited prescription drugs and a wide variety of alternative medicines that support immune functions.

If you suspect biofilm issues, work with a trained practitioner who supports your immune system and uses treatments to reduce or eliminate harmful biofilm.



Micro organisms form colonies and communicate with each other.  When they reach sufficient numbers they produce biofilms that cause either local problems (congestion, mucus, irritation, inflammation, etc.) or remote problems via release of toxins that affects some other system or tissue. In addition, micro organisms  are released and  migrate elsewhere, attach to cells and form a micro colony, which forms a protective biofilm and matures to start the process all over again. This can happen quickly, for example with a “cold” or nasal congestion that spreads to your sinuses, ears, throat and lungs, bones, muscles or joints. It can also happen very, very slowly and subtly over long periods of time (weeks, months or years), for example when an upper or lower respiratory infection spreads to arteries causing arteriosclerosis or heart disease.

In case this sounds absurd, just read my article on Infectious Heart Disease and remember that the majority of people who died from H1N1 swine flu died from heart disease.  Those people died because they had pre-existing circulation problems or because H1N1 damaged the heart directly.

We have numerous supplements to break up unhealthy biofilm, support the immune system deal with the infections and then help to restore health functioning in affected organs and they to restore healthy biofilms.  Treatment is always long term or the biofilms will often recur.

One of our supplements, Probiotic #2 has significant anti-biofilm properties to degrade and release pathogens so your immune system or other treatments as needed can suppress or kill the harmful organisms.   Treatment for biofilms should be used in conjunction or in sequences with others treatments to restore immune function, control symptoms and repair damage from unhealthy biofilms

David Overton, PAC works at Natural Medicines & Family Practice providing integrated conventional and alternative approaches under the supervision of Dr. Richard Faiola, MD, ABFM.  Learn more by visiting or by calling 360.357.8054.

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