News Release
City of Olympia, Washington
PO Box 1967, Olympia WA 98507-1967
Date of Release: May 31, 2011
Released by: Cathie Butler, Communications Manager
Olympia has one opening each on the Arts Commission, Design Review Board, and Heritage Commission. Anyone interested in being considered for appointment to one these volunteer, citizen-member advisory committees should apply by July 1, 2011. City residency requirements may apply. Application forms and information are posted on the City of Olympia website, Questions? Contact Cathie Butler, Communications Manager, at 360.753.8361.
Arts Commission
The 11 member Arts Commission meets the 2nd Thursday every other month, 6:30 p.m. at Olympia City Hall. Remaining meetings for 2011 are July 14, September 8, and November 10. Members also serve on subcommittees, including Art in Public Places and Community Outreach/Events. The Arts Commission also organizes Olympia’s highly successful spring and fall Arts Walks.
Design Review Board
The 9 member Design Review Board meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays (if needed), 6:30 p.m. at Olympia City Hall. Board members review public and private building projects for consistency with City regulations. The open position is for a general citizen from the community – no design, construction or architecture background required.
Heritage Commission
The 11 member Heritage Commission meets the 4th Wednesday every other month, 7:00 p.m. at Olympia City Hall. Remaining meetings for 2011 are July 27, September 28, and November 23. Commission members also serve on subcommittees and they sometimes hold onsite visits to view properties. Someone with historic preservation or historic architecture experience is preferred.