Sister Spit Writing Workshop

March 9, 2020 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Lacey Timberland Library
500 College St SE
Lacey WA
Kelsey Smith

Please join Imani Sims, Creatrix Tiara, and other members of the 2020 Sister Spit literary and arts tour for a free writing workshop.

Creatrix Tiara (pronouns: Tiara, or they/them) works with creative arts & media, technology, games, community cultural development, and education to explore ideas around community, identity, liminality, belonging, and social justice. Tiara is very interested in exploring the ways that various mediums can be used to convey and support experiences of transience and flux while also building empathy and understanding for experiences and stories outside one’s own.

Imani Sims is an alchemist and author. She believes in the healing power of community ritual and performance art. As Director for RADAR Productions she continues to elevate the narratives of QTPOC folk all over the nation. Her work illuminates the death and life living within the black femme.

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