Olympia Little Theater Presents: Or

February 16, 2017 @ 7:25 pm
Olympia Little Theatre
1925 Miller Ave NE
Olympia, WA 98506
$11 - $15
Olympia Little Theatre

One night in the life of Aphra Behn, poet, spy, and the first recognized English female playwright. Charles II has regained the throne, reopened the theaters, and is allowing women on stage! Nell Gwynne is the most desired actress of the day. Aphra wants out of the spy trade and has a shot at her newest play being produced, if she can only finish it by morning despite interruptions from new love, Nell; royal love, King Charles II; and very dodgy ex-love, double-agent William Scott.  Set in the 1600s, that make the 1960’s look tame, Or, is full of 17th century politics, bawdy language, passion, and lots of fun!

FYI, there is adult language in this performance.

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