Hands-On Beef Butchery Class

November 18, 2019 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Delmonico's Heritage Butcher Shop
916 Fourth Ave E
Olympia WA 98501
Delmonico's Team

Delmonico’s Hands-on Butchery Class is a fun, impactful night that’s great for creative networking, dates, and education for all levels of foodies about craft techniques in butchery and local meat sourcing.

Working with the Delmonico butchers, our guests will study, strategize and butcher a quarter of local beef with traditional artisan methods. The class also includes a full tour of the shop and demonstrations of the equipment we use in our butchery, as well as tips for how home cooks can adapt our techniques for the processing, storage, and dry-aging of meats in their own kitchen.

Student Guests will learn, through French methods, the art and skill of thrift, and how it is the foundation of a successful in-kitchen execution of Cuisines. A continual review of knife skills, knife safety, and food safety best-practices takes place during class.

It’s hardly all work though as the first and last ½ hour are set aside for relaxing, enjoying an aperitif and an assortment of house-made amuse-bouche.

*The registration fee includes one Delmonico’s FreshBox to take home (a $60 value!) and printed class notes. Class size is limited to five participants.

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