Coed Guided Visualization Meditation Workshop

April 12, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Flourish In Olympia
112 4th Ave E
Olympia, WA 98501
Shelly Haas

I’ve offered this popular workshop for the past year to women only. I’ve had some requests from men that would like to come, so I am very happy to be offering the first Coed Guided Visualization Meditation Workshop evening!

The guided meditation workshops have been very well received which is why I offer them 2 x month. I love hosting them, and have had nothing but great feedback. If you haven’t made it to one yet, come join us and check it out! For the ‘regulars’…here’s another one! I look forward to holding space with you again!
Please bring with you: a notebook, journal or paper, as well as a yoga mat or blanket to lay on. If you have one, an eye mask can be helpful to block out the light and allow you to more easily dive deep into the meditation!

The topic for this guided meditation workshop is:

Releasing Limitations

**Flourish in Olympia is located between Capital City Guitars and The Spar Cafe & Bar. Enter the door and head upstairs. We’ll be in the Flourish room at the top of the stairs!

Join us for an evening guided visualization meditation workshop where you will have the opportunity to do some conscious work and connect with others that are there with the same intention.

We’ll have some discussion on meditation to open the workshop. You bring a blanket or a yoga mat ( a pillow and/or eye mask if you wish) and lay it on the beautiful wooden floor, lay down, close your eyes, and be guided through a relaxation, then a guided visualization meditation with plenty of time to relax and do some inner work.

When the meditation ends, there will be quiet time to journal your experience while it is fresh in your mind. We will then pair up and you’ll have the opportunity to talk out your experience with someone before we hold a group discussion to close, so that we can all learn from each other.

This is great, creative, and exploratory self work. Myself, and the others who have been attending these workshops have had powerful experiences with this, so I’m always really excited to share this offering. No previous experience with meditation required, only a willingness to relax and have an open mind and heart.

I will have a few extra yoga mats and blankets, as well as paper for any of you that forget yours, so don’t panic 🙂 I also will have chairs available for anyone that is not physically comfortable on the floor for the 2 hour workshop, just let me know! I look forward to seeing you!


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