Give Students a Helping Hand: Get Involved With the North Thurston Education Foundation


Wish you could help students in the North Thurston Public Schools (NTPS) but not sure how? A great way is to get involved with the North Thurston Education Foundation (NTEF)! This nonprofit has been helping students since 1989. With only one paid employee, Deanna East, executive director, they give as much as possible to the students in need. They are always looking for volunteers and businesses that want to partner with them so they can reach more students and families.

For the 2023-24 school year, NTEF allocated roughly $245,000 to students and programs in the North Thurston Public Schools area. Eligible students are those who qualify for free or reduced lunch, though they also make exceptions. During the 2023-24 school year, that meant 6,469 students were eligible out of 15,245 students district-wide.

The NTEF operates independently from NTPS and has three programs: Student Assistance Grants, Learning Improvement Grants, and scholarships for post-secondary education. The Student Assistance Grants help students be successful by meeting their needs. This could be a new pair of shoes or a winter coat. It could mean a gift card to buy groceries. Maybe they need hygiene products or a place to take a shower – something that St. Marks Lutheran Church provides in partnership with the NTEF. They also pay for things like test fees, school supplies, music instrument rental, rental assistance and more.

Staff at the schools have credit cards and are able to fill needs immediately, without having to fill out forms, jump through hoops or tell a bunch of people the student’s private needs. “The beauty of that is they don’t have to go tell their story to 50 million people,” shares Deanna. “They have a hole in their shoes. They need a pair of shoes now. They need a pair of glasses now. So, to jump through that red tape, that was all taken care of. Plus, it also strengthens the relationship to the staff member that’s working with them. I don’t need that relationship. They need that relationship.”

Rental assistance is the only thing that does have an application form that goes through Deanna.

Preschooler getting new shoes for back-to-school thanks to North Thurston Education Foundation. Photo courtesy: North Thurston Education Foundation

Volunteer With North Thurston Education Foundation

In order for the Student Assistance Grants and other programs to work, the North Thurston Education Foundation relies on helpful volunteers. Each item under the umbrella programs has a committee that is all volunteer. Community members can be part of the Learning Improvement Grant committee and look over grants from school staff. Fundraising committees help plan their annual luncheon and fun golf tournament. There is a gratitude committee that helps with thank you letters, a simple but important and often time-consuming task. The scholarship committee reads through and awards the Scholarship Grants to high school seniors.

“I also have volunteers that are just on call to do something specific when needed,” Deanna shares. “Maybe we need a donation picked up from the office or somewhere else. That’s always helpful.”

If you would like to volunteer, reach out to Deanna East at

Lacey Police Department Resource Officers connect with North Thurston Education Foundation about students and family needs. Here, a bike was donated after a student’s was stolen. Photo courtesy: North Thurston Education Foundation

Donate to North Thurston Education Foundation

The North Thurston Education Foundation relies on grants and donations from individuals and businesses to fund their programs for students. Monetary donations ensure staff have money when needed to fill a students’ needs. You can donate at any time on the NTEF website.

They also take in-kind donations throughout the year. They are always in need of hygiene products. “People always think of school supplies, but rarely do they think that these same kids need hygiene products,” she shares. These can be dropped off at the NTPS Youth & Family Resource Center any time of the year, though they do a big push in the spring and summer for back-to-school.

Their Sponsor a Senior program ensures all seniors have a cap and gown for graduation.

Right now they are getting donations for the coat drive – their goal was 1,000 winter coats for the school district. As of this writing, they are just 150 shy of their goal. 

You can also give to their Holiday Giving Trees. They have trees at all three ACU locations in Lacey and Yelm, the Lacey First Security Bank, Lacey Heritage Bank and VERT Chiropractic, which also takes coat donations. “The tree at VERT is for our youth who are homeless,” shares Deanna, “so they have higher needs. The staff at VERT understands that and has been an amazing partner for that.”

North Thurston Education Foundation big check for supporting students. “Last years check we gave to the district to support Student Assistance Grants at each school, McKinney Vento support, McGimpsey Pantry at 22 schools, AP testing help, and support for student on free/reduced lunch playing a sport or after school activity,” shares Deanna. Photo courtesy: North Thurston Education Foundation

Partner with North Thurston Education Foundation

Speaking of business partners…the North Thurston Education Foundation loves to partner with local business and organizations to better serve the NTPS students!

“St. Mark Lutheran Church is extremely grateful for the partnership we share with the North Thurston Education Foundation. NTEF has financially supported the construction and operation of the St. Mark Clean Kids Laundry and Showers and Grace Guestroom,” says Rev. Beth A. Utto-Galarneau from St. Mark Lutheran Church. “The Clean Kids Showers and needed supplies are also available at no cost to students in the North Thurston Public Schools and their families. There are two private shower rooms that are fully accessible. So far in 2024, over 300 showers have been taken at Clean Kids Showers.”

NTEF also works with the TOGETHER! Host Homes Program that matches unaccompanied homeless youth with a volunteer host family so they can stay in school.

Their partnership with Little Red School House Project provides school supplies and backpacks each year. The South Sound YMCA Power Scholars is a summer program at many NTPS schools.

During the holidays, they partner with Shop with a Cop where Lacey police officers take students shopping for gifts. And the Lacey Fire Department hosts the Lacey Fire Holiday Party for youth in low-income and/or homeless situations. They have food, activities, photos with Santa and a gift for every child.

These are just some examples. Interested in providing snacks for a classroom or helping fund a new classroom project? Deanna says they welcome all ideas and to just email her.

For more information about how to get involved or to donate, visit the North Thurston Education Foundation website.