Have you ever thought about being a foster parent? It’s a significant decision. Kid Sense LLC understands your concerns. Maybe you really want to be a foster parent but have been wary to enter the qualifying process. You wonder once you are certified, if there is help going forward. What if there are issues? The Kid Sense staff is committed to caring and supporting the children while providing the best possible support and guidance to its foster parents in Thurston County along the way.

A Skilled Team Works Hand-in-Hand with Foster Parents Near Olympia

Kid Sense emphasizes the importance of making meaningful connections with the parents and children, individualizing support to each family. Jean-Paul Janovitch is the executive director and co-owner. Jean-Paul is an Evergreen State College graduate who has been working in the field for over 30 years. The Clinical Case Management Supervisor, is an adoptive parent of two high needs young adults with a master’s degree in Social Work and more than 30 years in child welfare and foster care. Their experiences have deepened their skills, which translates to incredible help for the parents.

“It’s a fascinating business,” says Jean-Paul. “It’s been my adult life. My goal is to find the best fit for the family.” It allowed him to work while also being the primary care giver for his two children who are now 15 and 22. His experience began when he was young, when he worked in a home where several foster youths lived.

a man holding a young boy's hand walking away from the camera along a barn
Becoming a foster parent is life-changing for the youth as well as the parent. Kid Sense works for exceptional matches and then continues to support the family with many services. Photo courtesy: Kid Sense

Looking for Great Foster Parents in Thurston County and Beyond

In many cases, the decision to become a foster parent derives from word of mouth. A friend gets involved, you watch from the sidelines, and it sparks your interest. To that end, Jean-Paul is happy to engage people with a sincere interest to schedule a call. Kid Sense is looking to expand its horizons and spread the word that foster parenting is a miraculous, important service that people can step up into.

There is no one-size-fits all model for raising children. Kid Sense represents all sorts of families with a variety of backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnic and language diversity, economic backgrounds and belief systems.

Kid Sense wants homes that:

  • Are motivated to make a positive change in a child’s life.
  • Are willing to be patient and flexible.
  • Can create a safe, loving and supportive home for a child.
  • Are interested in entering into a partnership with Kid Sense LLC.
  • Above all else, are wonderful parents.

“We are more open and available to take kids from any office,” explains Jean-Paul. “We are looking for the best match for the kids.” Kid Sense understands the desires to keep kids in their original communities but at the same time wants the best home for the child to grow and develop, however the future plays out. “I am protective of my caregivers,” affirms Jean-Paul.

“We are looking for parents able and willing to have a real relationship with kids of any age,” says Jean-Paul. Kid Sense will be with you as you get licensed to become a foster home. The agency also does simultaneous licensing for adoption. This does not mean people are expected to adopt, but it does mean if that desire arises, the paperwork has already been done.

When a child enters the foster system, the state eventually puts out a referral. The state reaches out to private agencies and other partners who place children. “I have some freedom to be selective and to seek placement from different offices,” explains Jean-Paul. Prospective parents may have ideas about the age/disposition of a child they would welcome into their home. Kid Sense would be the initial filter. “Our philosophy is relationship based,” he adds, meaning he listens to the desires and concerns of foster parents.

a woman and three kids look over the railing of a bridge
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Kid Sense takes time to engage with potential parents to make the best matches for everyone. Services continue after the matches are made. Photo courtesy: Kid Sense

How To Become a Licensed Foster Parent and a Kid Sense Home

#1. Contact Kid Sense for an initial meet and greet

#2. Complete a thorough background clearance

#3. Complete 24+ hours of required training that can be done by Kid Sense in your own home.

#4. Have a home inspection to determine how many foster children could be placed and the genders and age range.

#5. Kid Sense meets with you for a deep dive into your lifestyle, parenting skills, childhood and family relationships as an essential path to understanding you and what would make an optimal placement.

#6. Making a match with a child.

#7. On-going support for the whole family.

Once the match is made, foster parents continue to work with Kid Sense. The agency provides ongoing coordination with educational planning as well as with schools, courts and various service providers. There is training for the parents and respite care. Children have clinical case management, so professional help is at hand.

Kid Sense Foster Parent Support Services at a Glance

  • Licenses foster homes in Washington State
  • Clinical Case Management for each foster home
  • Coordination of Respite care, 2 days a month
  • Emotional support
  • Education planning and coordination
  • Coordination with schools, courts, and service providers
  • Adequate, state determined, financial reimbursement for Foster Parents
  • Collaborate with foster parents to provide care to children placed in their home
  • Facilitate communication between DCYF and foster parents
  • Individualized training for Foster Parents
  • Skill development
  • Maintain an open, trusting, and cooperative relationship with our foster homes
  • Supervised Parent and Child Visitation
  • 24-hour, 7-day a week on-call services for immediate and emergent situations/needs
  • Referrals to family, psychological, individual, chemical dependency, and domestic violence

Becoming a Foster Parent is a big step and Kid Sense is ready and willing to be with you on your journey. Kid Sense is just a call or email away.

Kid Sense LLC
221 W Railroad Ave, Suite #13, Shelton
Provider# 229451
