Rowan Scholl Balances 4-H and FFA at the Thurston County Fair

Rowan School with Sharelene up on a podium standing next to a judge with a ribbon
Rowan School and Sharlene's win photo from the 2023 Thurston County Fair. She won reserve in her age group for junior showmanship. Photo credit: Erin Scholl

As an incoming sophomore at North Thurston High School, Rowan Scholl has her hands full with school and homework, but she also finds the time to be in both 4-H and the National FFA Organization. Meet her and her four-legged projects at the 2024 Thurston County Fair.

The National FFA Organization, usually referred to as the FFA, has been around since the early 1900s in some form. FFA stands for “Future Farmers of America,” which continues to be at the heart of their mission. They are a youth organization that focuses on personal growth, career success and leadership through the lens of agricultural education.

4-H has a similar mission through a much broader lens. Projects can be almost anything, from robotics and STEM to animals and baking. Youth learn valuable life lessons and skills including public speaking, marketing, business, empathy, responsibility and more.

4-H and FFA Member Rowan Juggles Lots Projects at the Thurston County Fair

Belonging to both clubs is a lot of commitment, but Rowan loves every minute of her time spent with her friends in both clubs. This year marks her fifth year in 4-H as a member of the Muttz-K-Teers 4-H Dog Club. She has three dogs she competes with in 4-H. “I have two mutts of my own,  Sharlene is the dog I started 4-H with and is mostly rottweiler, Moose is a GSD mix,” Rowan shares. “I’ve also had the opportunity to work with one of my leader’s dogs Zeke, a cardigan Welsh corgi.” Rowan used Zeke last year, as her dogs weren’t quite ready.

Rowan School with Moose after winning champion in her obedience qualifier class for the 2024 Thurston County Fair. Photo credit: Erin Scholl

Sharlene was her first 4-H dog, one her family got when Rowan was 8 years old. Moose is a more recent addition to the pack, having joined the family when Rowan was 12. She also got a new dog, Asher an Australian shepherd, in October 2023.

At the 2024 Thurston County Fair, Rowan will be doing obedience, rally and junior showmanship with Asher and obedience with Moose. In addition, she will be competing in dog judging, knowledge bowl, educational displays, and her presentation, which do not include her dogs.

Rowan Scholl with her Australian shepherd Asher that she competes with in Thurston County dog 4-H. Photo courtesy; Rowan Scholl

She also does livestock judging. In livestock judging, 4-hers rank animals based on their breed standard and then their decisions are compared to another individual or group of individuals. “I’ve only been to a few contests, but it’s pretty fun,” shares Rowan. “Livestock judging has definitely been a challenge since there are multiple classes of animals to judge, and you might have to present oral reasons on more than one class. As long as I have no conflicts, I will be doing livestock judging at County Fair this year!”

It’s easy to see why Rowan may be worried about conflicts, as she also has her FFA projects. “I’ll have to figure out how to be two places at one time and make it to every contest!” she explains. For FFA, she will be showing dairy heifers, a market pig and a market lamb.

Rowan also went to a 4-H teen conference, which included a vet tour. ‘The WSU vet program seems amazing!’ Rowan says. ‘I got the opportunity to learn how to pull a calf!’ Photo courtesy: Rowan Scholl

While the Fair will be busy for her, Rowan loves it. “I think I look forward to the connections I make and the time well spent with friends at the Fair!” she says. “Along with spending quality time with all my animals.”

Find Rowan running between rings at the 2024 Thurston County Fair. If you’re interested in learning more about 4-H, FFA or the differences between the to, Rowan is a great resource. Who knows, your child just might join Rowan in one of her clubs next year!