Lacey Accepting Applications for Washington Center Use in 2025


Submitted by City of Lacey

The City of Lacey (City) is accepting applications from nonprofit organizations to use the Washington Center for the Performing Arts for one day in 2025 with no facility rental fee. Applications must be submitted to the City by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2024.

Under the current contract with the Washington Center for the Performing Arts (512 Washington St SE, Olympia), the City has the use of the Main Stage or Black Box Theater for two days per year at no additional cost. Each year, the City allocates one of these days to a non-profit organization. The group selected will not pay a theater rental fee; however, they must pay for labor and other associated expenses. The City uses the other day for a City-sponsored event.

Local nonprofits can get more information or apply on the City of Lacey website. If you have questions, contact Nicole Williams at 360.438.2620 or