Submitted by Intercity Transit

Intercity Transit is looking for current riders, potential new riders and people who are unlikely to use their services to participate in several focus groups the week of October 2.

The agency’s goal is to better understand the experiences and perceptions the community has about Intercity Transit and their services. The virtual focus groups provide Intercity Transit an opportunity to better communicate their programs and services to the community and address questions and concerns about riding transit in Thurston County.

Focus Group Details

The hour-long focus groups will take place in the evening between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. and will be held virtually via Zoom. Participation is limited to 10 attendees per focus group to ensure everyone can provide feedback. If more than 10 people express interest, participants will be selected based on geographic location to ensure representation from across the county. Selected participants will receive a small stipend for their time. Sign up via this online form today!