Penrose Physical Therapy Treatment is Life Changing for Patient with Serious Health Issues


Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy patient Sara Louise Schrader recently reflected on her arduous health journey over the past 12 months. Last year, while living in Arizona, she was life flighted to a hospital because of multiple serious medical problems. After extensive treatment there, she moved to Lacey and continued her healing at Penrose Physical Therapy.

“Everybody welcomed me with open arms,” Schrader says of the Penrose staff. “Being there has been life changing. So many tears, and laughs. It is more than physical therapy. It’s my ‘everything’ therapy.”

Penrose Physical Therapy patient Sara Louise Schrader says treatment provided by Penrose staff has been a significant factor in her healing from serious medical issues. Photo courtesy: Sara Louise Schrader

Penrose Physical Therapy Helps Heal Serious Medical Issues

It all began in May 2022. Schrader had a leg infection that developed into serious medical problems. Schrader was treated at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix for sepsis, organ failure, pneumonia and more. After being sedated for two weeks and undergoing surgery, she started the first of many therapies. “I spent two weeks in an inpatient physical therapy center in Phoenix,” she says. “I have had to learn to walk again.”

She eventually moved here to be near family and continue treatment. Penrose Physical Therapy was the first place she called, and she is glad she did. “They gave me hope,” she says.

Penrose Physical Therapy Tailors Treatment to Meet a Patient’s Needs

Schrader had PT treatment every day and sometimes twice daily. “They were with me every step of the way,” she says. “They let me lead, and pushed me when I needed to be pushed.”

Penrose Physical Therapy building
Penrose Physical Therapy in Lacey helps patients like Sara Louise Schrader recover by providing therapy tailored to their needs. Photo courtesy: Penrose Physical Therapy

Schrader is also doing yoga at Penrose, but she can’t yet perform all the moves. That is not an issue, however, because staff customized their program for her. “It’s hard for me to bend over,” she says. “They tailored the yoga class for chair yoga. It was all tailored for me.”

Penrose Physical Therapy Staff Care Deeply for Their Patients

Schrader says the staff really care for their patients. “I missed one appointment by accident,” she says. “Two of the staff called me to check in on me.”

She says the staff helped her improve significantly. “With all this hard work, I was taken off the transplant list and I am coming back into health,” she explains.

“If I could shout their praises from the rooftops, I would,” she adds.

Contact Penrose & Associates Physical Therapy staff at 360.456.1444 or email at


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