When talking to customers about protecting their income with a life insurance plan, State Farm Agent Melanie Bakala hears a variety of responses.

  • I can’t afford it.
  • I have it at work.
  • I’m not planning on dying anytime soon.
  • I don’t have time right now.
scramble letters spelling out 'life insurance' on a piece of paper that says 'policy'
State Farm’s Melanie Bakala and her team can help you put together the pieces of a strategy to take care of your family and loved ones with a life insurance plan. Photo credit: Nancy Krier

But these responses will not help your family and loved ones recover financially when they may need it most.

Bakala Says Not Arranging for Life Insurance Can Cause Your Family Stress and Worry

Bakala wants you to know that life insurance should be a part of everyone’s insurance plan. “I have had 23-year-olds tell me they are young and don’t need it,” Bakala says. “And the next week I see in the news a tragic car accident where a 23-year-old passes away, and their family is unable to pay for their funeral.”

Bakala has seen families with children lose a parent both with and without life insurance. “The difference is profound,” she says. “The spouses left with a life insurance settlement to cover several years of income gave them time to mourn and support their children without financial stress. The spouses without a life insurance benefit faced the added stress and worry of finances along with their grief.”

Even with life insurance coverage at work, Bakala says many people may need more. It is recommended that people whose families depend on their income have enough coverage to replace their income for 7 to 10 years.

“Think about the paycheck that gets deposited each month,” says Bakala. “If that stops suddenly, your family doesn’t stop needing those deposits.”

Bakala Explains That Life Insurance Plans are Affordable

“And a life insurance plan is very affordable – in many cases it costs less than your car insurance,” Bakala adds. Bakala and her team can walk you through your options and the benefits of life insurance, and help you strategize ways to protect your family financially.

If you are interested in contacting Bakala and her State Farm team for a free quote or more information, visit the Melanie Bakala State Farm website, or call 360.426.2428 (Shelton) or 360.972.7905 (Lacey).


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