Port of Olympia Commissioners Temporarily Modify Real Estate Leases and Liveaboard Moorage Due to COVID-19


Submitted by Port of Olympia

Correction: It was originally reported that Resolution 2020-04 was in effect for 60 days for real estate Leases and 90 days for liveaboard moorage. However, Resolution 2020-04 takes effect immediately and will be in full force and effect for 90 days for both real estate leases and liveaboard moorage, unless otherwise terminated or extended by the Port Commission.
On March 31, the Port of Olympia Commissioners passed a resolution authorizing temporary modification to real estate leases and liveaboard moorage in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Port Commission resolution 2020-04 authorizes the Executive Director to suspend the issuance of notices of default, late fees, and penalties for nonpayment of rents for those Port tenants which are adversely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
For Swantown Marina vessel owners whose vessel is their primary residence, and previously approved with liveaboard status, Resolution 2020-04 authorizes the Executive Director to suspend the impoundment and sale of the vessel if the owner has been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.
Any Port tenant or liveaboard seeking these suspensions or deferrals will need to provide self-certification of the adverse impact of the COVID-19 crisis on their inability to pay rent or moorage. Port tenants and liveaboards who qualify for this suspension will not be charged interest and/or lease reinstatement fees.
The authority provided in resolution 2020-04 only applies to late fees, penalties and reinstatement fees for both real estate leases and liveaboards. It does not grant any authorities to forgive lease or moorage payments.
Resolution 2020-04 takes effect immediately and will be in full force and effect for 60 days for real estate leases and 90 days for liveaboard moorage, unless otherwise terminated or extended by the Port Commission.