Submitted by Lacey Rotary

Do you have a project to promote learning but don’t have the money to make it happen? Local non-profit groups are encouraged to apply to the Rotary Club of Lacey for an Educational Needs grant — up to $1000 — to promote education in the community and meet one-time needs.

With “Service Above Self” as the Rotary motto, the Lacey club has been giving back to our community, our country, and the world, since 1969. Whether it is building overlooks on local trails, sending Shelter Boxes to locations hit by natural disasters, or working to eradicate polio from the world, Lacey Rotarians put the motto into action. The Educational Needs grants are one of many ways the club does so.

Specific requests for direct needs are encouraged. Funding is not available for endowments, capital funds, supporting fundraisers, or for individuals (e.g. student trips), or on-going budget items.

Please send a one-page letter of request that includes information about your organization — including EIN or non-profit number — the specific need to be addressed, and the amount requested. Send requests by June 3 to Lacey Rotary, Educational Needs Committee Chair, PO Box 3301, Lacey, WA 98503.

Funding for the grants and other projects comes from money raised through the Annual Lacey Rotary Duck Dash at Tumwater Falls Park.  This popular family-friendly event typically raises over $50,000, with all proceeds from ticket sales going to these efforts. This year’s event is June 3 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and admission to the event is free. To get more information and find out where to buy the tickets that give you a chance to win great prizes and provide the Rotary with funds to do great things, go to Rotary Club of Lacey’s website.