It is perhaps safe to say it has happened to all of us. We have purchased a bottle of wine only to find out after returning home and opening it, that it was not at all what we wanted. It did not complement the food, it was too sweet or too dry, or perhaps it was flawed all the way around.
This experience can be frustrating to say the least, not to mention a waste of money. It might also run the risk of embarrassment in front of guests at your dinner party. Buying wine can be challenging. There are often so many choices that decision-making can be overwhelming. Luckily for us Olympians, we have Justin Wilkes and The Wine Loft to keep us from experiencing wine woes ever again.

The Wine Loft can be found in a charming brick building located at the north end of Percival Landing. It is owned by Laurie Nguyen, executive chef and owner of the Dockside Bistro, located next door. The Wine Loft is managed by Justin Wilkes, a local wine expert who has been with The Wine Loft since October of 2015. He has an extensive background in the wine industry and was generous enough to let me pick his brain about his experience and offer insight on his ability to send patrons home with the perfect bottle every time.
Justin grew up in Salem, Oregon, surrounded by vineyards. He worked in tasting rooms at a young age where he first learned about the industry. As he matured, he continued to collect knowledge while working in various restaurants and at Willamette Valley Vineyards. He gained a formal education in wine at the Northwest Viticulture Center and spends his free time continuing his self-education. Before working at The Wine Loft, Justin learned the retail side of the wine industry working at the Olympic Wine Merchant and The Grand Vin Wine Merchants. Plus, he has travelled far and wide to experience the best wines straight from the source.

To tailor a wine selection for customers, Justin asks a series of questions about their wine experience. He may ask what wines they have had before, what they liked or disliked about them and what wines they might like to enjoy again. Having been through this process myself, I can say with confidence that he is able to take that information and transform it into interesting suggestions of bottles to try from around the world.
What does the wine expert himself drink? Justin says he does not have a go-to wine because it changes with every circumstance. Instead, he chooses wines based on the weather, the company and the food he might be enjoying. He loves thinking outside the box when it comes to pairing wine with food, like pairing pork with a dry Riesling rather than a more traditional red. He prefers drier wines with floral notes and those from bright red fruits.
Justin says his favorite part of the job is being able to enhance the experience that people are sharing with others. He ensures the wines you choose will take your dinner party or special occasion to the next level. Justin prides himself in bringing the best wine to the community at an affordable price.

If you are looking to expand your own wine education, The Wine Loft offers tastings every Saturday. Each week, Justin hand-picks a new selection of wines for the tasting. March events will highlight wines from Washington and April will feature Portugal. Wine tastings are available from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and cost only eight dollars. This fee is refunded with a purchase of three or more wines from the tasting. Wine can be enjoyed while perusing other bottles in the store or simply relaxing on the patio, which they plan to expand this spring.
Next time you stop in to say hello, be sure to sign up for The Wine Loft email list. This is the best way to stay informed about tastings, new inventory and other exciting wine-related news. Their new website will be launching soon.
The Wine Loft
401 Columbia St. NW
Hours: Tuesday- Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.