Submitted by Wesport Winery Garden Resort
Westport Winery Garden Resort earned best of class this week at the Capital Food & Wine Festival sponsored by St. Martin’s Alumni in Lacey. Rapture of the Deep, a sparkling cranberry wine, earned this prestigious award. Rapture has been rated one of the top 100 wines in the Northwest for the past three years. It is the only non-grape wine on the list. Johnny and Darlene Camp of Opal Art Glass in Cosmopolis created the sculpture representing this iconic label in the winery’s Something Blue Garden. The winery donates some proceeds of each wine they craft to different local charities with this wine benefiting Aberdeen’s Driftwood Theatre.
Charterboat Chick Cabernet Sauvignon received a gold medal at this competition. The wine is made from grapes grown at May’s Discovery Vineyard located in the Horse Heaven Hills. The label for this wine features a vintage photo of winery co-owner Kim Roberts when she worked on the fishing boats in Westport Marina in the 1980s. Some proceeds from this wine benefit the Westport Charterboat Association.
Duckleberry Grunt, a blend of blueberries and Gewurztraminer, earned a silver medal. This is the most popular selection at the winery with each bottle being wrapped in camouflage tissue (so you can hide it from your friends). A portion of the proceeds from this blend benefits Grays Harbor Ducks Unlimited. The sculpture commemorating this wine was created by international wood carver Vern Jones of Westport.
Westport Winery Garden Resort is located on the corner of Highway 105 and South Arbor Road halfway between Aberdeen and Westport. The winery (including the restaurant, bakery, nursery and gardens) is open daily and offers lunch and dinner from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.