City of Tumwater Hosts 20th Annual Easter Egg Dash


Submitted by City of Tumwater

Join family and friends for Tumwater’s 20th Annual Easter Egg Dash on Saturday, March 26 at Tumwater High School.

Over 20,000 colorful eggs will be nestled in the large grassy area behind the stadium at Tumwater High School, just waiting to be discovered.  Excited youngsters will collect eggs filled with candy, toys and prize coupons.  Bring a basket or bag to carry home all your treasures.  The Easter Bunny will also be on hand to pose for pictures so bring your camera along!  A special thank you to our sponsor Northstar Church and our many volunteers.

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 26.  A good time is sure to be had by all!  FREE event for ages 0-10.  Call (360) 754-4160 for more information. 

Dash Schedule:

11:00 a.m.      Ages 3 and under
11:15 a.m.      Ages 4 – 6
11:30 a.m.      Ages 7 – 10

For more information, please contact Tumwater Parks and Recreation: (360) 754-4160. More details available online: