When you head out on a ride, you want to have a great time. And nothing ensures a great time more than being prepared. Once you’ve done a “walk-around” of your bike to ensure its ride-ready, the next critical step is gathering the essential supplies needed on the road.
Mike Searcy in Northwest Harley-Davidson’s service department knows a thing or two about a successful ride. Not only does he help customers keep their bikes in top shape, but the former director of South Sound H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group) has logged plenty of miles on the road and shares his recommendations for a riding toolkit.
- Phone and credit card – This may seem silly, but Searcy points out accurately that there are few things that can’t be solved with these two tools.
- A properly serviced bike – Don’t hit the road without knowing that your bike is in top condition. Schedule a service if you are unsure of the condition of fluids, belts and tires.
- A Motorcycle Toolkit – Create your own kit with proper sized tools needed for small adjustments. Or purchase a kit at NW Harley-Davidson. Small enough to fit in your bag, they include all you need, even a 10mm wrench for your battery terminal.
- “Fix It Kit” – Carry a small spool of bailing wire, a roll of electrical tape, and zip ties. These help rig temporary solutions to small problems, allowing you to finish your ride.
- Water and food – Don’t forget these essentials. Especially in hot weather, riders forget the wind on their skin dries sweat instantly. Even though you might not feel like you are sweating, dehydration can set in quickly.
- Rain Gear – With unpredictable weather always a factor, carry gear at all times.
- Bungee Cords – Really, everyone should travel with these. When on your bike, they come in handy to strap down unneeded coats or secure things picked up along the way.
- Electronics – Many bikes have a 12 volt outlet for your car phone charger to ensure full battery. Download apps before your ride including maps with your route and weather apps.
Ultimately, a well maintained bike is the best “tool” you have to ensure a terrific, trouble free ride. The Northwest Harley-Davidson service crew will keep your bike in top shape and keep you on the road.