All You Need is Love (and a Little Something Else) for Valentine’s Day

valentines day olympia
Ralph's Thriftway wine manager, Rob Backman, has selected two ideal bottles.


By Leslie Merchant

olympia valentines day gift
Bayview and Ralph’s Thriftway is offering a perfect Valentine’s Day combo – a dozen roses, chocolate dipped strawberries and a bottle of champagne or wine.

The Beatles may have had it right, at least for some people. The rest of us might not admit it, but love is not really all we need. A little something extra to sweeten the deal along with love makes a much more powerful statement, wouldn’t you agree?

Fortunately the cupids over at Ralph’s Thriftway have put together a deal so sweet it might be downright foolish to pass it up. Valentine’s Day is this Friday, February 14, and it is not too late to make an impressive statement of love with a simple phone call.

Finishing Touch Manager Michelle Murphy and Ralph’s Thriftway Wine Manager Rob Backman have done all the legwork for last minute Valentine’s Day shoppers. “For $100 our package is a dozen roses, chocolate dipped strawberries, and champagne or wine. Free delivery! The deal is it’s way better to do this, because you’re already at $89 just for flowers. Here you’re getting the flowers, chocolate, wine/champagne and delivery.”  Orders need to be submitted by Tuesday, February 11 to be processed for guaranteed delivery on Friday.

As always, the wine/champagne choices are carefully screened and selected by Backman for their affordability and drinkability. The champagne selection is Cristalino. Backman says, “It has been very very popular around Valentine’s.” The wine selection is Besitos which is Spanish for little kisses or hugs and kisses. The label itself is worth buying just for it’s distinctive red puckering lips.

Backman delights in offering uniquely delicious selections to his clientele because he knows that loyalty is the backbone of the business. “If we make a couple of people extremely happy, then they’re going to keep coming back and the word is going to spread,” he explains.  Being able to really know and cater to the local community has always been a priority of the Stormans’ family of businesses and has been key to Thriftway’s continued success.

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Ralph’s Thriftway wine manager, Rob Backman, has selected two ideal bottles.

Murphy echoes Backman’s enthusiasm. She wants customers to know that this is a complete package for Valentine’s Day and the best deal around. “For $100 you are getting premium roses, wine or champagne and the strawberries. Local flower shops are charging $85-$90 just for the roses and not anything else added on top. I am really excited about this, and I know it’s going to be really successful.” Murphy says that Valentine’s tends to be a last minute holiday, and this package is perfect for folks who want wow but have put off making any plans until the last minute.

According to the Beatles, all you need is love. The song says there’s nothing you can do that can’t be done, nothing you can sing that can’t be sung, but you can learn how to play the game and it’s easy. The cupids over at Ralph’s Thriftway and Finishing Touch Florist and Gifts can help make your game extra special.

Play your best hand and have your order ready for Friday delivery by calling Finishing Touch Florist and Gifts at (360) 943-9921 by Tuesday, February 11.