Olympia Weavers Guild to Enlighten on Fiber Production

Olympia Weavers Guild

 Submitted by Timberland Regional Library

“Fiber: Our Common Thread” program will be at Olympia library at 7:30 p.m., October 23

Olympia Weavers GuildMany of us are becoming aware of where our food comes from and how it is produced, but what about the fibers we wear every day? Members of the Olympia Weavers Guild will present “Fiber: Our Common Thread,” a program on fiber and the fiber arts, at the Olympia Timberland Library on Wednesday, October 23 at 7:30 p.m. Learn how cloth is produced, watch fiber artists in action, and try a bit of fiber production yourself. The event takes place after library hours.

In many places in the world, if you want a new shirt or a rug, you create it from the fibers on up. Guild members will describe the production of cloth from seed or animal to closet or home. A brief slide show will introduce the main fibers and techniques used to create textiles in this country, including information on home production of flax into linen and fleece into wool.

Program attendees will be able to see textiles made by guild members as they model or show them and to talk with the creators. Much of the evening will be a chance to watch spinners, weavers and felters in action and to see up close what is involved in the production of cloth. There will be an opportunity for attendees to try some of the techniques.

The Olympia Weavers Guild was founded in 1949. It is a nonprofit organization that promotes the study of weaving, spinning and many other fiber arts. Members meet once a month for most of the year and sponsor programs and workshops on weaving, spinning and other related crafts. More information about the guild can be found here.


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