Become A Master Recycler Composter



Submitted by Thurston County Solid Waste

Join fellow fans of waste reduction and become a “green ambassador” for the three “R’s.” Thurston County trains Master Recycler Composter (MRC) volunteers with the purpose of inspiring others to reduce waste, recycle, or compost at home and work. 

Over a five week period, MRC volunteers learn how to reduce waste and increase public awareness of opportunities to prevent waste, recycle, and compost in Thurston County.

Participants receive background and hands-on training from county and state educators. Class topics include waste prevention, recycling processes and markets, home composting, worm composting, greener buying choices, how to work with the public plus so much more.

Training will be held every other Tuesday evening, September 3 through October 29. Two Saturday morning field trips are scheduled for September 21 and October 5.

Course graduates agree to give a minimum of 25 hours of yearly service as they put their new skills to use. They work with local organizations, community members, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, or at special events encouraging waste prevention, recycling and composting. MRCs can design their own projects or work on existing ones. On-going continuing education opportunities will be provided.

Online applications are available now at Preference will be given to applicants who live or work within Thurston County. Applications are due August 16 by 5 p.m.

A $75 course fee will be collected at the first class to cover all training supplies and field trips.

For more information, go to and click on “Volunteers” or contact Cori Carlton at at or call 867-2162.

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