Staying Healthy – Olympia Kids Head Back To School



Submitted by Dr. Diana Yu

Gosh, summer sure went by fast.  Now that all the back-to-school frenzy is over and you are starting a new year, it is a good time to go over some important plans with your kids.  This advice applies to children going to child care facilities as well.

  • Start each day with a solid breakfast.  This is the best way to get your brain to work well.
  • Pack a healthy lunch, making sure to keep foods properly chilled.
  • Get a good night’s rest on school nights. Limit screen time to less than 2 hours a day.
  • Help them get at least a good hour of physical activity a day.
  • Teach your children how to properly wash their hands.  Show them by example. The best way to prevent infections is to “WASH YOUR HANDS.”
  • Take advantage of regular immunizations to prevent major contagious diseases.
  • Keep your child home when they are ill.  Things to consider: Can the child participate fully in the classroom? Will the child’s symptoms be disruptive to the class, i.e. frequent, loud honking cough? Regardless of a child’s age, it is generally not a good idea to send them to school with a fever of over 101 F or if they have had the fever within 24 hours.
  • Keep your child home if they have an infectious illness or contagious condition. When a child is unable to control his/her “bodily fluids”, it poses a risk of infection to other children and a great sense of disgust from the adults to have to clean up after.
  • Talk with your doctor and then the school nurse, teacher or health aide about your child’s health concern.
  • Make sure you have the proper medications, appropriately labeled and a signed medication slip for each medication that each child needs daily or might need while away from you.
  • Make sure you have a plan for emergencies and that your children are aware of who they can go to if there is a problem.

Better yet, tell the kids to have fun and enjoy school.

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