The Story of Rochelle and Erica
What started out as 2 sisters deciding to stop the cycle of obesity that has haunted them their whole lives to 198# lost between the both of them since May/June 2011 this is a story of Will, Determination, Commitment and Courage. This is a story of CHANGE, INSPIRATION and BELIEF that it is never too late to be who you might have been…
I received an email from Erica in January that she and her sister Rochelle desperately needed help, that they needed to save their lives as Erica was 250# and Rochelle 299#. They had tried other weight loss programs and Rochelle had been able to take 30# off but no more and was struggling. Their lifelong challenge to be healthy from the inside out seemed impossible. There being a life sentence with obesity.
Rochelle and Erica decided to walk the 5 mile Capital City Marathon as a kick start of their journey. Erica signed up for the Fit life running group and Rochelle signed up for the water girl. In the months of training Erica walked and ran slowly and methodically as if willing each step and each breath to come just so it would end. She was supported by the group and with each passing week the aches and pains of carrying the weight of herself and the weight of her past brought the layers that had covered her to start unfolding. Erica soon realized in order to be healthy it would take more than running. She needed help with nutrition and needed weight training to build necessary lean muscle to promote health from the inside out. Her next step was inside the studio…animant not to have any interest in nutrition at that time. Erica’s first day was eye opening, devastating and emotional. Jumping jacks were difficult, sit ups impossible, asthma creating no air and breath for a girl that wanted so badly to be healthy. She could have stopped, she could have quit…but she came back, day after day. Returned to save her life because there was no other choice. It was move or die.
Rochelle had been running with a friend for her training and supported her sister as a water girl for our running group. Each Saturday she would show up with her daughter and cheer us on and be the last one standing until her sister finished her walk/run. Rochelle started the training in the studio with Erica and her struggles the same. Her body had atrophied, not conditioned to move or be strong. She had been nearly 300# with a sedentary lifestyle and now with her daughter following in her foot steps made a Decision…to end the cycle of obesity.
They both finished the 5 mile Capital City and found that they for the first time followed through with what they set before them. That they succeeding in Setting a Goal and Getting it. They Finished what they started….but that was just a race-what lied ahead was a marathon of uphill roads full of pot holes, turnabouts, road construction and traffic lights that could stop them in their tracks. They decided to press on the gas…one direction forward, one color green, one speed go.
As the diet cokes were replaced by water….what a battle that was for Erica! To continued training in the studio, what was once 50% body fat was soon coming down to under 40% and weight coming off with education in our nutrition. Both Erica and Rochelle finding success in weight loss for the first time in over 35 years, body fat coming off, measurements shrinking and educating on how to eat healthy from the inside out to get them on their road to reach their goals. But a lifetime of obesity weighs heavily on the hearts of those that have carried more than the weight they put on by not dealing with the life that was too much to handle. Time and time again we would speak of the pain of growing up, the bullying, the sadness, the insecurity, the lack of confidence, the feeling that there was no way out. A lifetime filled with not dealing with what was holding them back started to unfold and with that emotions hidden, locked up to never be expressed came like flood gates unleashed.
This journey that started had come to where it can stop those in their steps of success. Opening up to who you are, why you became who you are and where you want to be. To retrain those parts and patterns that have held you back from health also correlate to those things that hold you back from happiness in life. The sisters, who live together and help raise Rochelles daughter while working full time at the AG’s office started this journey together and had to reflect individually on the changes necessary to find the masterpiece of their original selves. There have been the happiest times and the very saddest times, struggles, challenges, tears of frustration and tears of hope.
Yet this May we will celebrate their one year anniversary. Celebrated by both sisters getting to the starting line of the Capital City Half Marathon.
Erica has lost 78# since June, she has ran the 5 mile Cap City in May, the 5 mile Lakefair in July near asthma free, U go girl race, RAC rampage dash and ran the entire Turkey trot 4 miler encouraging a fellow fit life friend, asthma free. Her contagious laughter and bright smile has an added glimmer, sense of pride, confidence that she is “that “ girl she never thought she could be. Those around her see the outside match the inside, but what I see is a girl that had the courage to not quit, to push herself past the point she ever thought she could. To be the one to inspire through her story, her actions and her unveiling of her true self. She is seeing a reflection of inspiration, believing she can really do what never seemed possible. January 21st she is signed up for the ½ marathon this year…asthma free, stronger, fitter ready to finish what she started. Knowing stride to stride it is a lifestyle that will need nurturinig well past the end of any race.
Rochelle has lost 120# , she has ran the 5 mile Cap City in May. Rochelle suffers from meniscus tears of the past, arthritis, tendonitis and shin splits. Her road to her goals placed obstacles that could have shut her down, made her give up…but she battled through them all, not effortlessly but with courage. Recognizing the years she put the weight on her body effected her bones and joints. This was a turning point…finding what she could do to get the weight off to run again. We formulated workouts in and out of the studio, kept to a program and now she is ready to train for the ½ marathon Capital City .
She is driven with the passion for change, to live for herself and her daughter who has followed the cycle of obesity in the family. Rochelle’s past injuries have not stopped her. As the weight comes off, the aches and pains begin to subside. She had no stop in her go. Giving in to her past was not an option. Rochelle’s drive to find a way no matter what is new part of her that she is starting to get to know.
Rochelle and Erica are an amazing set of sisters. There story an inspiration of change. That it is never too late to find the real you. That with family, friends, work and business you have to decide to make yourself a worthy component to your life. They are just like everyone else…if you DECIDE to CHANGE your life, you CAN. No more back burner. No more Mondays…except if that Monday involves running toward the next goal.
I hope you feature these 2 amazing women as inspirations to our community. They have the ability to change lives and I hope you allow them to change and inspire your readers.