Local Businesses Offer Chance for Athletes to Focus on Their 2012 Goals


Joy Ride Bikes LaceyJoy Ride Bicycles in Lacey, Wash. and www.GoGetitGal.com have teamed up to offer the “Get Your Goals 2012” event on Sat., Jan. 21, 3 from 6 p.m. at Joy Ride.

The event is aimed at women will include comedic live music, food, community vendors, prize giveaways and a sale on women’s bicycle gear and products. The keynote will be an interview with Olympia cycling legend and nine-time Hawaii Ironman finisher, Louise Taylor, who will be interviewed about her secrets to longevity in athletic pursuits.

It will be a chance for participants to think about their goals, declare them and be inspired by the community created at the event. The party will also serve as the official launch for www.GoGetitGal.com, a website geared for women who love to play in the outdoors.

The event is free of charge.  The ceremony portion begins at 4 pm. For more information, go to www.gogetitgal.com. Joy Ride Bikes is located at 1225 Ruddell Rd SE Suite D Lacey, WA 98503 in Lacey.

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